The act of stealing or vandalizing something from your school or university
Connor hit a Devious lick at school yesterday
when you steal something so random and useless it’s almost maniacal
Jason: Bro I just stole the schools toilet
Nathan: No way bro *shouts for other people* GUYS check out this devious lick
A shitty tiktok trend involving theft and vandalism of school property.
"I just stole a soap dispenser from my school!"
"Why tho?"
"devious licks"
"Humanity really is evolving backwards isn't it"
When annoying ass tiktok kids steal shit (soap dispensers, sinks etc) from, usually school, restrooms resulting in making high schools a nightmare to go the the fucking bathroom
Tiktok kid- “Yo they did a devious lick and took the paper towel dispenser, it was hilarious”
Anyone with a brain- “no you fucking potato it’s not funny and if you stopped sheeshing and grew a brain you would understand that”
the latest challenge to gain popularity on the social media platform which involves students posting videos that show them stealing, damaging or showing off items taken from school
nate: bro i just hit a devious lick
jake: lemme see what u got
nate: a soap dispenser
Usually when you're stealing from school its a devious lick. While stealing you must say L bozo get ratioed. This also includes the song Ski Ski basedgod by lil B(speedup).
Little Timmy: Im bouta hit a devious lick in school today
Chuck: Remember its not a devious lick without Ski Ski basedgod or saying L bozo get ratioed
when kids steal things from school like soap dispensers and mirrors
bro someone did a devious lick today at school and now there is no mirror!