A person who will challenge you to a fight. If they loose they will snitch on you. They are weak. They will act as if everything is fine even though you know its not. They are also very annoying and when you roast them they will roast you back with the same roast. They will keep on repeating this until you tell him to stfu. They will probably make tic tok videos.
Ike is the definition of dick cheese. Ike is a gentle lover only to men. He pleases himself with jars of hummus, as he has never felt a woman's embrace. He is most likely unable to control his anger leading to a very serious ED.
"My man gave me genital warts from a one pump wonder" "Oh so he pulled a ike"
Your a person named Mikel that did a tik tok trend
Hey my results for removing the first and last letters of my name were ike
An extreme but growing movement that is an extreme form up self reliance. There one and only operating principle is " every one for them selves".
They think that concern for other people is a put on and everyone is really out to serve themselves, and that people only give enough to charity to feel good about themselves.
They believe that you make your own living and seek for your own food,sex ect. and if you starve to death it's your own fault.
They even believe in this policy with there own wife,husband and kids ect. and believe you should push them out on there own as soon as possible.
The word Ik is pronounced as eeeekkkk.
He believes in the Ik movement.
Pills that people regularly mistake for candy.
You can actaully get high if you overdose on this
There are not illegal but they can still be dangerous
Man fuck you I see you at work, nigga dont hate me bc im beautiful nigga, maybe if you got rid of that old yee yee ass haircut youd get some bitches on yo dick better yet Taneshia will call yo dog ass if she ever stops fucking with lawyer or brain surgeon shes fuckin with NIGGGAAA, WHAT!!?! MIke and Ikes
Anyone who type qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq, qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmikolp, plokimjunhybgtvfrcdexswzaq, zxacsqvdwbfengrmhtjykuliop and any other hidden keyboard triggers imaginable. If you turn on your computer on Saturdays then you increased the amount of boredom then you just type everywhere on your keyboard; up to down instead of left to right.
Sister: Stop pretending to type random letters and play Pony Town.
Me: Okay, then just wait a little bit. *searching `1qaz2wsx3edc4rfv5tgb6yhn7ujm8ik,9ol.0p;/-'=\~!QAZ@WSX#EDC$RFV%TGB^YHN&UJM*IK<(OL>)P:?_{"+}||}+"{_?:P)>LO(<KI*MJU&NHY^BGT%VFR$CDE#XSW@ZAQ!\='-/;p0.lo9,ki8mju7nhy6bgt5vfr4cde3xsw2zaq1`7410/8520*963.-++-.369*0258/0147 into Urban Dictionary and see the definition*
7👍 3👎
When you buy an overpriced sandwich from Ike's Love & Sandwiches.
Pete: Bro I bought an expensive sandwich
Trevor: Dawg, you've been Iked!