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A Jacob is someone who faps to a Covergirl commercial, Ellen, Opera, and anyone's mom. Beware, Jacobs have been known to prey on children and teenagers.

Girl 1: You remember Jake?
Girl 2: Ya, he dated me just to get close to my mom.
Girl 1: He's so weird. He's such a Jacob.

by Theginger_binger November 29, 2016

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I'm sorry bitches, but the name Jacob has been ruined by Mr. Satorious.

"Hey Jaco-"

"I meant Jacob Hawking. Our friend."

by HitDaMerasi October 15, 2016

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Someone who believes that he is truly a god, although his sexual life may not be so great due to his lack of manhood, he makes up for it with his charming tone, strong accent and discussions about tea, history, and 1980's music

Person1: See that guy over there?
Person2: Yeah, what about him?
Person1: That's a Jacob
Person2: Woah

by canthandlemyhandle March 4, 2016

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Jacob is gay af. He likes bbc's and big balls. He also have a very small dick, and he likes children.

"Look theres a guy with a small dick chasing those little kids!"
"Oh you mean Jacob"

by Bimmefar February 21, 2022

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Super dooper phat and sometimes fat

bro you be Jacob

by Shismis October 17, 2017

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Jacob is a very fun, loving and VERY very gay guy, he really loves bum and really loves to kiss boys, he deffo be clapping men’s cheeks on a daily

Person: Jacob clapped mad cheeks last night yo

by Pheonixdon December 25, 2019

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A fat fuck that sits on his ass all day and then he eat koolaid pickles

"Oh shit its Jacob earthquake"

by Van213 June 20, 2019

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