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Paris Hilton

One of those people who should just be removed from the gene pool.
When she dies of AIDS.
I'll laugh my ass off.
Then I’ll get drunk to celebrate.
and dance on her mother fucking grave.
Also, I know what happened to her dog.
It killed it's self..
Paris, you dipshit, you dressed it up in little outfits.
News flash: It was male.
What the fucking Hell.
She's encouraging cross-dressing in certain animal species.
Also, she obviously abuses animals.
Now,Paris, be a good girl and go give your daddy a blowjob.
Yes,Paris, we know how you get all that money.
Fuckin’ spoiled whore.

I'm Paris Hilton.
Wanna hand job?

by H1tl3r August 9, 2007

76πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Paris Hilton

Media parasite whose if her last name wasn't Hilton she'd be a nobody.

Currently in Britain promoting a self-indulged TV show about her and her sheep-like fans trying to be her best friend.

Paris Hilton is only famous because of all the money she scabs off her multi-millionaire father. Without him, she'd be a homeless crackhead.

by Bennisanarchy February 19, 2009

64πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

paris hilton

skinny, richer than fuck, fake-baked, bleach haired, easy, lying, bitch. rocks, diapers, and even doorknobs are smarter that this "famous" whore. also calls everything (and i mean everything) "hot";

can be used as a verb to describe her paris hilton-ites, or anything paris would do/say/buy/etc.

teen chick 1: OMG, jenny look at her hair! she's so paris hilton.
teen chick 2: yeah but it's hot.

by love-bruises March 7, 2007

63πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Paris Hilton

stupid, anorexic, bitchy woman with 15million different animals who probably have more designer outfits that MOST PEOPLE. this is bloody unbelievable.
she is also incredibly rich, mainly because she is an heiress and her name is Hilton. nobody likes her, apart from all the 8-12 year old tweenagers who look up to her for being all rich, skinny, blonde, tanned and crap. (everyone else just tuts and shakes their heads at her whilst privatly envying her blondeness, skinniness, tannedness and crapness. well, sort of). a grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat role model, i am SO sure.
she is actually a brand, as opposed to being a real person: she is a pop singer, a model, has her own perfume range, ect ect ect zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
what she HASNT realized yet is that she is almost universally hated, and would do the world a huge cheesy quaver if she went and, erm, died.
and that is it.

paris hilton: omg, i am just soooo totally like the ruler of the entire world (well, the US and UK), i am the luckiest, most pretty girl in the--
person with a brain: shut your head, you stupid blonde bimbo beeyotch.
paris: omg i like so cant believe you just said that. i am, like, so gonna sue you 19m.
person with a brain: i dont have 19m.
paris: well i do hahahahahahahahahahahahaha--
person with a brain's revolver: BANG.
oh dear no more paris. the world is spared from stupid blonde bimboesqeness!!!!!!!!

by emo_goth!!! November 17, 2006

90πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Paris Hilton

A nasty, cum guzzling whore who is only "famous" for a shitty sex tape and flashing her hairy vagina to the world.

Damn that bitch is such a whore she needs to get the Paris Hilton House of Wax treatment.
Or, I dont care how skinny Nicole Richie is, she can still beat the hell out of skanky mc skank Paris anyday!

by xoheartinohioxo August 8, 2006

88πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

people in paris

when you need to ask google to play a certain song which is about certain african american individuals who were in paris by kanye west.

Hey google, play people in paris by kanye west. Can you play that song with people in paris.

by the sussy crewmate February 24, 2021

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Paris Hilton

There are two kinds of Paris Hiltons.
One looks vacant but it has had lots of people stay for a short while inside. There is probably some guy waiting outside to welcome people in, and you might hear the sounds of chatter coming from inside but it doesn't make any sense. It was only after people realized that it had a famous name, together with a half-assed reconstruction job on its outside that it began to be noticed. But mostly it is known because it welcomes anybody through its main entrance, and if you know the way around you can also get in through the back door.

The other one is a hotel in France.

I stayed in Paris Hilton one night but the whole place stank.

Poor you. Why not choose the hotel in France?

No, it's not a hotel. It's a flop house. And where's France?

by twistedblister December 8, 2010

45πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž