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Easter island statue with an arse full of razor blades

Terminally po-faced, miserable, humourless. A term famously used by former Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating to describe former PM Malcolm Fraser.

"You look like an Easter Island statue with an arse full of razor blades."

by Zog The Undeniable February 20, 2007

18👍 10👎

Poo Poo's Razor

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by someone really needing to use the bathroom.

Hey man, don't just assume he was being an asshole. Maybe he just really needed to use the bathroom. It's Poo Poo's Razor.

by Smumbo July 4, 2021

Mackey’s Razor

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by derangement.

Bob: I keep hearing about MacKey’s Razor, but I don't know what it is.
Alice: Same. Most likely, it's just a razor owned by someone named Frank MacKey.

MacKey’s Razor is a simple rule and key that helps us make decisions online during our constant state of mental disturbance and stupidity!

by DilleyDilleyDilley February 7, 2024

blade razor

member of group x

now that hashmeer left, blade is the lead singer and plays guitar

hashmeer, rex, and little blade razor

by Little Kaid June 22, 2006



rex is a cool dude and loves teruteru very much.
you should date rex👹

person: you should be more like razor(rex)

by rex.oiz June 6, 2021

Gravy Arc Razor

The user imbued with Gravy Arc energy, usually through declaration, cannot lose debates. Any person(s) debating this individual automatically concede upon the start of the debate. To initiate the Gravy Arc, one must be called "A successful individual" by another person within the community.

"There's that nigga Crisis,
I would not debate him right now he has hella Gravy Arc energy. The Gravy Arc Razor might take effect."

by Jesuschristourlordandsaviour69 March 16, 2022

Golden Razor

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity, except for whenever it benefits them."

A variant of Hanlon's Razor

1: This game is a fucking scam.
2: Hanlon's Razor, dude. The devs are just incompetent.
1: No, Golden Razor. They've made a *lot* of money and NO progress. This is intentional.

by Terkan June 3, 2021