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A cute, handsome, and funny girl/guy. Most guys named it are incrediably sexy and get all poontang

Girl: You see Sadie-Anne yesterday?
Girl 2: Yeah, he was fucking me on the dumpster at the tasty freeze

by JCpeeny April 22, 2010

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Sadie May Crash

Sadie May Crash is a wonderful Toronto band that was given the title of "Best Toronto Unsigned Band" by the Toronto Independant Music Awards. Very unique in style with tons of energy to burn. Especially at live shows.

Alien: "*Berrzpp* Did you see Sadie May Crash play at the MOD CLUB on saturday *bzzrp*?"

Earthling: "Yeah I did it was WICKED!!!"

by ManWithTheDutchHand September 2, 2008

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Sadie Hawkins Dance

Considered hell for most girls. Why on earth would they just want to walk up to some random guy and ask them to a dance?

A dance where it is totally acceptable for a group of girls to go together, but not a group of guys.

A freaking awesome song by Relient K.

"Hey Bob? Wanna go to Sadies with me?"


"Damn, Sadie Hawkins Dance is TORTURE!!!"

by C.C. LaRue July 11, 2008

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Sadie Ann Sandoval

a SAS is a girl who's witty, funny, and honest. she takes crap from no one and she doesn't care what others think of her. SAS's also tend to be BEAUTIFUL, trustworthy, and very independent. If you have a SAS for a friend, hold on to her; you need her in your life. SAS's are also sensitive but they hide it from everyone. SAS's are amazing, loyal, and AWESOME!

Sadie Ann Sandoval: dont worry ill always be there for you
Best Friend: Of course you will because youre a SAS!

by ThePoetOfMysteriousWords July 6, 2011

Sadie Hawkins Dance

another reason for females to complain

"Wish I had somebody to ask to the Sadie Hawkins Dance :("
"Uggghhh, I'm a hoe and I can't take all 38 of my boyfriends."

by mbelop_ January 22, 2015

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a person who is very stupid and gets on your nerves. she is very rude and annoying but if you are her friend she will be nice dont piss off sadie!!!!

sadie is soooo rude

by person!!!!!! July 2, 2017

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Sadie Hawkins Sex

When the girl takes the lead in the bedroom.

Usually I take the lead, but last night we did Sadie Hawkins sex.

by eatmorchickn June 27, 2021