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Stephen King

Writer from Maine, who has written a large number of novels, novellas and short stories, many made into movies, miniseries or TV specials. He has been often regarded as a horror writer, but he cannot be so easily categorized. His works run from fantasy, science fiction, Western, horror, thriller, mystery, supernatural and suspense. Most of the movies made from his works have had the horror aspect greatly magnified. A few of his works (namely The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Stand and The Shining miniseries) have translated very well into video. He is also the author of the epic Dark Tower series, the tale of Roland Deschain of Gilead and his quest to gain the Dark Tower with the help of his ka-tet of Eddie Dean, Susannah Dean, Jake Chambers and Oy of Midworld. There are a number of works related to this epic, such as Black House, Insomnia, Hearts In Atlantis, Everything's Eventual, The Little Sisters of Eluria, 'Salem's Lot, From A Buick 8, The Stand and Eyes Of The Dragon. The books in the Dark Tower series are:

The Gunslinger
The Drawing Of The Three
The Waste Lands
Wizard And Glass
Wolves Of The Calla
Song Of Susannah
The Dark Tower

Stephen King "retired" after finishing the last of these, but has since written a few more novels, notably "Cell", which is similar to the Stand, but with a twist. It is a lot less supernatural than The Stand, and there is no final struggle of good vs. evil.

Stephen King also has a penchant for killing his characters off by the end of the novel. He has also mastered the art of ending the story before you find out everything that happened. He seems to want to leave that up to his Constant Readers.

"Stephen King is a hack writer!" (Said by someone who has never read a single one of his books)

"Stephen King is a freakin' genius!" (Said by someone who has just finished the Dark Tower series)

by gadjitfreek August 23, 2006

358πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

Stephen Kelly

The only man on planet earth who contains the power to drag a teacher down the hall by her hair and is able to do so by claiming he is, "Retarded". This man absolutely loves the smell of farts, especially his own. He is known to trap his rancid farts in his XXL shirt and sniff it all up. (Not one bit of that gas goes to waste) He is also known to fart and blame it on other people. His way of blaming it on other people is the classic, "*point* It was him" method. Many have caught on to his antics and know that he is lying but still respect him for who he is.

Situation 1:
Teacher: Stephen who are you pointing at?
Stephen: He farted it wasn't me I swear.
Teacher: Okay, please sit down.

Situation 2:
Student 1: Hey did you hear about that kid Stephen Kelly?
Student 2: Yeah I did, he is awesome I am a fan!
Student 1: I am a bigger fan I follow him on Twitter #StephenKellyFan

by iHateWindstream March 5, 2018

Stephen Korpalski

Stephen Korpalski is so fucking cute and has an amazing six pack. His large, vigorous pecks will make any woman fall for him. Stephen’s best body feature is his meaty calves. Those jawns can even make straight men question their sexuality. His hugs feel like god himself is wrapping his arms around you. The soft kisses he gives will melt any woman/mans heart. His hands, soft as a baby’s bottom, will comfort your sorrows. Although he puts himself down, his body features bring him up. If you find a Stephen Korpalski in your life, never lose him, for another man/woman will come running towards him.

Omg look at Stephen Korpalski over there, I can’t help but kneel to his greatness.

by imonderrise May 25, 2019

Stephen Baldwin

Douchebag that had little success and familiarity due to such films as "Bio Dome" and "Half Baked". His fame is now primarily associated with his last name that has gained notoriety from his older, more successful brother, Alec.

"You are so unsuccessful and your brother pays for all your expenses, you are just like Stephen Baldwin."

by johnnydakota May 14, 2010

60πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

do a stephen

To completely mess something up without actually doing anything wrong.

Shane "Come on now don't do a Stephen on us!"
Steven (Inhales Oxygen...)

by Shanelovdahoop15 April 4, 2017

30πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Stephen King

one good writer
can write some creepy stuff
and some stuff that makes you think

The Dark Tower
Drawing of the Three
were all writen by Stephen King

by m&m's July 20, 2005

802πŸ‘ 211πŸ‘Ž

Stephen Glansburg

Minor Character in Superbad, known specifically for his unpopularity.

"What? You want me to eat fucking desert alone like I'm fucking Stephen Glansburg?"

by shakingthebox December 10, 2007

78πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž