A gram of drugs that’s usually been dipped or bashed by ketamine
Bruv This is some proper Jamma gram. It’s been dipped by the odur fongas.
An amount of protein that is dangerous to consume, eating this much protein will not get you muscle it will just turn into fat especially if you don’t work out much.
160 grams of protein per day DOES NOT keep the doctor away.
A really great Instagram. You look great. Your friends look great. Nature looks sexy. The likes are pouring in.
This lighting is fueling the fire-gram I'm about to post!
A song by The Gregory Brothers
I was bangin' 7 gram rocks, That's how I roll. Winning
I have one gear: GO - epic winning
Are you bipolar?
I'm bi-winning
Win here, win there, win, win everywhere, where
Perfect example of a natty beta that works at Walmart. Zack Grams thinks his portfolio is red and his G37 is valid, yet none of this is true! He claims that “this is awesome” when sometimes, it just isn’t awesome.
Hey look! It’s Zackary Grams, the nattiest beta I’ve ever seen!
the primary form of communication for old animal jam players
3RD GRADER IN 2017: ey buddy hop on ajpw after school i needa shoot you a jam-a-gram its about my e-bf