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George Bush

a close relative of the monkey that has been given the opportunity to lead a nation that strangly loves him.

i would love to tell you why bush sucks, but i have to go somewhere next week and i don't want to be late

by clevelandsteamer August 5, 2005

104๐Ÿ‘ 231๐Ÿ‘Ž

George Bush

If George W. Bush is so wonderful, then why is it a coincidence that he revisited the same country with war on his mind that his father did, just to leave Osama Bin Laden free to roam the planet in search of new terrorist targets?

If George W. Bush is so wonderful, then why is Haliburton, the company once run by his Vice President, Dick Cheney, in control of the reconstruction of Iraq after a war that cost countless lives and billions of dollars just to find his W.M.D. (Weapons of Mass Destruction/Distraction), which in turn weren't there.

If George W. Bush is so wonderful, then why did he win the first election while Al Gore received the majority vote, and why is it a coincidence that the state that handed him the Presidency (just for yall unedumacated tiipes - Florida), was run by his brother?

If George W. Bush is so wonderful, then please explain his good intentions of waiting until the last minute to send relief to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

If his so-called "Clean-Air Act" made the air so clean, why is it more polluted than its ever been (and not to mention the state he left for the presidency, Texas, is the most polluted state in the nation)?

If George W. Bush is so wonderful, then why has he failed at so many businesses, yet, incredibly, done such a "great job" at running this country?

If George W. Bush is so wonderful, then why does most of the world now hate the United States, when they simply thought of us as friends earlier?

If George W. Bush is so wonderful, then why can he never make a speech without introducing improper grammar and spelling?

I don't personally hate Republicans, I just hate those who can't see more than 5 minutes in front of their face, and refuse to take the truth.

Why is a good question to ask a lot. Try asking this more often than simply agreeing every time you hear your beloved Prez say how great the economy is, and how he's going to open this he-err Can O' Whoop'ass on them "bad group of folks" he so patriotically refers to terrorists as.

Your president, OUR president, FAILED US . Whether he is in office or not, this country is going to continue rolling downhill, whether you dipshits want to believe it, or not.

What kind of a miserable failure chokes on a pretzel?

The day the White House became George Bush's second home, the founding fathers of the, once proud, once mighty, and once not-so-naive, America, rolled in their graves.

One nation, under Bush, with liberty and justice for none.

by Liberal Democrat September 24, 2005

109๐Ÿ‘ 245๐Ÿ‘Ž

George Bush

The worst fucking president of the United States in all of history and more than likely all of the future AND in all of the world. For all you dumb fucks that believe George Bush is doing good for the world, you have been brain washed by the bull shit media that he outputs for easily consumed minds like your own. Also, whoever said that unemployment is DOWN. YOU CAN SUCK A FAT DICK. I used to live in Toledo, OH... check the fucking unemployment, poverty and economic disaster that is happening there. It's enough to make up for ATLEAST 3 smaller cities. Ya it's only city, but if one part is out of a system, it slowly spreads to it's surroundings. Bush sucks, the Bush campaign sucks, the Bush administration sucks, and YOU suck if you think this butt-fucking "good" president is actually doing a favor for this world. DON'T BE BRAIN WASHED BY THE MEDIA TE BUSH CAMPAIGN PUTS OUT. They lie to the public and you know who controls the media? That's right... the higher up people. Not some fucking station. The fuckers who are in on his World Domination or w/e the fuck he's going for.

President George Bush has the intelligence level of a day old nigger.

By the way, isn't it the 20-year president curse where a president gets assassinated? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED PEOPLE?

by Mark010101011100 September 16, 2007

74๐Ÿ‘ 162๐Ÿ‘Ž

George Bush

see confused

A man whose most common phrase is I don't get.

by mick July 6, 2003

105๐Ÿ‘ 238๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

the biggest retard to ever be president of anything
the dude needs to go fuck himself and stop blamin arabs for what his poor ass did on 9/11

dude george bush is gay

by Bros Call Me DP September 9, 2006

74๐Ÿ‘ 163๐Ÿ‘Ž

George Bush

Nown: A wild animal of the dessert, known to have a huge body but little eyes, also known to have a fat ass. If spotted, do not under any circumstanses approach, attempt to feed, pet, or poke. Bushes become disgrunteled and confused and may attack with their ass, or claw at the ground. If attacked, run to the nearest water sourse and jump in. If there is none, make wild bird calls to scare it off, or run to the nearest boarder. Most importantly, do not let a George Bush get too close to your head, for it may brain-wash you with it's horrible communication skills. George Bushes are very rear in areas with lots of trees, or anywhere with clean air. They usually feed off of unsuspecting prey, such as mice, worms and dirt, and during mating season usually has to supply itself with lots of oil to impress females. If seen, please report to the United Nations, and if attacked, do not hesitate to shoot or give it pretsels.

This is a message broadcasted from the United Nations and everyone in the entire world.

Holy shit! I just saw a George Bush! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!

by National Geographic Association August 10, 2004

103๐Ÿ‘ 235๐Ÿ‘Ž

george bush

George W Bush is a man who makes former president Richard Nixon look like an absolute saint.

at least Bill Clinton only fucked an intern and not the country like George Bush.

by rdc8811 March 4, 2007

70๐Ÿ‘ 154๐Ÿ‘Ž