When Tina calls for overtime with a zero percent chance of rain and charges the black employees double for eggs
Oh shit! It’s sunny out, better bother the higher up because we got an egg event on our hands. I hope Euclides is there the light bill is due.
When your body shatters into a million electrifying pieces from an orgasm.
After that climatic event, I will definitely see him again.
The specific, oddly focused mindset that takes over an MMO player during in-game limited time events, often resulting in them shunning all game content in order to just play the event and grind out every last drop of that time limited content. Also applies to mobile format games which mirror the limited time event model.
Man, I'd love to hit up the new raid, but I'm in total Event Autism mode here, I need to grind out the Summer dailies on my alts then get a few hundred more tokens to get that next cosmetic before I can call it quits for the day.
A bad event that causes the people to intentional do or avoid performing certain actions and or activities in order to reduce the risk of having the same or similar issue happen to them. Often times it may only affect the specific place and or area where the event happened.
The shark attack at the beach caused less people to go to the beach for weeks, because people didn’t want to risk getting attacked. It was a repelling event.
a person who has hooked up with at least 3 members of a sorority
Wow, Jason is one fuck away from being a sisterhood event.
an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something.
an event, idea, or procedure that effects a significant shift in the current way of doing or thinking about something.
An event in someone’s life where there life completely changes who that person was before for better or worse
My mom died when I was young, I realise now that was my before and after event.