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bed count

Something douchebags claim exist even though it doesn't.

1:I want to fuck that girl.
2:No. her bed count is too high.
1:Go fuck yourself.

by Joe The Autistic December 6, 2015

redwood count

number of redwoods attributed to a person acording to the redwood scale

Charles is a dick, he has a huge redwood count

by MidwayDrFleming January 12, 2004

Goose Count

When you line up a group of troubled youngsters or gangsters and count them off to decide which one will be forced on a death march. Children are taught this via a lovely nursery rhyme.

1) It's a Goose Count, gather in line!

by frigginhost April 26, 2017

Counting the doors

To pass the time with something not too exciting but not too boring either

-Hey what you up to?
+Just counting the doors in door county, wanna hang?

by teheheehehe July 2, 2010

Clout Count

Adj. Refers to your follower-to-following ratio.

The amount of followers and/or number of followings on your social media platform(s).

According to Millennials and Gen Zs your following count must never be higher than your number of followers.

Adj. Clout Count can also refer to the number of "likes" or reactions on your posts.

And according to the Millennials and Gen Zs you MUST delete a photo if it does not exceed a certain amount of appreciation or if it does not surpass the amount of love than your previous post.

DISCLAIMER: Those faulty of following too many dog accounts may need to shut it down. Or if you possess a blue checkmark you have far exceeded the need to worry about your clout count.

My clout count is 875:200, what's yours?

Oh.. mine's uh... 400:1,000.
You should probably just shut it down and drop all social media, #nolove.

OMG, Becky. Did you see Sasha's clout count?

She just follows too many dog accounts.

Well, I just hit 10k. #sponsorme

by KentCook January 15, 2020

Count Slay

1: Kim Dracula.

2: Another fan made name for Kim Dracula because they constantly slay.

Kim is always slaying so they're new name is Count Slay.

by LXXLoveRoulette August 3, 2023

counting problem

The counting problem is also known as "Tarski's revenge."

It stands alongside two major problems in mathematics called the "compositional-unit problem" and the "unit-of-measurement problem." It is trying to determine how many points there are in an object.

Tarski's nihilism indicates that infinity plus an uncountable number of exterior points equate to an infinite number of points.

This is the solution to the counting problem.

A NON-Tarski object has the uncountable points on the INTERIOR surface with the infinite points; indicating that Godel's incompleteness theorem is stating that mathematics is unable to count the uncountable set of Tarski-points if they lie to the interior of the surface.

by flightfacilities February 22, 2022