Means going to eat a snack in your kitchen, but you want to make yourself sound of a higher social status to your friends so you lie and say its a BBQ. Also similar to "I'm going to study" means you are really doing homework, but you try to sound smart to your friends.
"Hey foldr I can't play tarkov with you because Im Having a BBQ."
verb. To masturbate at one's desk at work while talking to someone on the phone.
etymology: see Len Brown (Mayor of Auckland, NZ)
"yeah, her voice was totally hot so I had to have a len"
More intense than having a bone for a girl, having a ring is the position of being so infatuated that you would marry a girl if he is given a chance
Dude, my roomate would totally have a ring for this chick at school, like damn, he was on knee.
An Australian term which means to pee.
Hold on mate, I'll be back soon, I just need to have a slash
Happy having means to have sex with the same gender
Boy: Am goin to do happy having on you
Other boy: Cool
Basically telling someone to piss off or to have a wank.
Employer: hey Steve can you get me that report by the end of the day?
Steve: you'll get it when you get it, have a piss.
The act of gay sex between two extremely homosexual football players.
“Hey cunt, wanna have a kick?”
“Yeah mate!”
*gay sex*