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When something is a simple task but ends up a difficult or a pain in the ass to his coworkers

Oh that is such a Hayden

by Lankyl June 4, 2019

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Such a great guy . loves people that smile and enjoy life . he loves to suck that big booty and enjoys poptarts . he likes netflix and chilling and loves making people happy . overall, hayden is a great guy .

oop there goes hayden again picking up the girls.

by thottty6969 July 20, 2019

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A Marine Douchebag that lacks all of his 7 core values. A man who mistreats women and cheats on them regularly. Your typical Bad Guy. Hayden loves to string women along and plays with there emotions. A falsely proclaimed Alpha Male, who has a Small Dick

Met this guy named Hayden, he was a real douchebag.

by Mrinjen February 5, 2020

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A man who has a very thicc ass, and is shy to show it off. If you offer him money though he will do the best damn squat you've ever seen.

boy:"Have you seen that guys ass?"
boy2:"yea but it doesn't look like shit next to Hayden's"

by squinkypotato October 2, 2019

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loves basket ball shoes but dosnt play basket ball

(me): why do you have so many bsketball shoes
(hayden): dont know they just suit me

by Yeet ya meet September 18, 2019

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he likes men

also always talks to the girls

Hayden stop talking to all the girls u gay fuk

Hayden back into the friend zone

by TheBeefStudMuffin69,420 September 17, 2019

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hot sexy dude that is very hot and lives in illinois

dang hayden is hot

by lolimnotgay January 19, 2021

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