Where the person eats an Herb, and is now an Herb Brother/Herb Sister.
Herb Brother: I partook in the Herb Ritual.
Taking your eye off the prize in the last legs of a race, and losing metres from the finish line
“Oh man I just got herbed in that last race”
A person (specifically the female gender) who is very lazy, doesnt get out much but has great friends and brags about them to evey one
Oh Mediterranean herb!!!! Shut up
When severed (dead)animal penises are used as compost for crops
"I went down to the supermarket to buy some more dick herbs"
To back out of something you said you were going to do. No it doesn't mean backdown from a challenge or someone else that makes no sense. Backdown means to say no to something back out means you say u were gonna do something but then u dont do it. :/
punked out (synonym: herbed): Tyler and Kevin were gonna fight at the park after school but Tyler punked out and went home instead.
The baejāmundei herb located in the dense forests of Wakkini, Indonesia is known for it's various medical uses in the field of medicine. However, it is also important to note that it is extremely poisonous and one must proceed with caution when beating it to a pulp when extracting the photosyntax essence in its body.
Nice Baejāmundei Herb my guy, can I have a hit?