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iPad kid

Someone who can not eat without watching a video in the background. This creature typically will believe he is in fact not a iPad kid. Use caution when confronted by one.

I'm not a iPad kid but I can't eat without watching a video in the backround.

by TDSanta July 6, 2022

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iPad Kid

A dangerous disease which infects small children typically between the ages of two and ten. Symptoms include brain rot, lack of situational awareness, loud voice, and disgusting habits.

An iPad Kid is created after giving and iPad to an offspring immediately after exiting the womb. It is typically done to avoid raising the child or to distract from the divorce. Once the child reaches the age of four, the disease develops more symptoms which can manifest in a few ways. Inability to look away from iPad. Eats while watching YouTube at full volume alone or with company. Lack of motor skills. Restricted diet.

Signs of an iPad Kid:

-iPad/tablet with the child at all times. It will typically be encased in a comically large protective case, however will still somehow be cracked. It will have gunk (snot, boogers, feces, etc.) coating half the screen.
-Inability to consume anything other than dino nuggets, mac & cheese, or ice cream.
-upon removal of their iPad, they will immediately begin screaming & crying.
-Extreme stupidity; kindergarten dropout.

Upon witnessing any of these symptoms, please remain a safe distance away to avoid the pathogen.

Billy is an iPad Kid.

by trutherfr June 3, 2024

Ipad Kid

Any person under the age of 15 who is very attached to their electronics/video games. This person may appear to not be so hygenic since majority of their time is going into whatever video game they love.

My 9 year old cousin is such an Ipad Kid. I swear all he does is eat cheetos, play Roblox/Fortnite or whatever, not shower, and not even brush his teeth. Ugh.

by KobeBeanBryant24 January 26, 2025

iPad Kid

Pretty girls named Allie who play Plants vs. Zombies

Allie is an iPad Kid because she is pretty and plays Plants vs. Zombies

by Allie #1 Fan July 26, 2021


Allie McKenna

You’re definitely an iPad Kid if your name is Allie and you enjoy playing Plants vs. Zombies

by Allie #1 Fan July 24, 2021

iPad kid

The same kid with snot crusted hands and a booger coated laptop that is missing half the keys and has to have the screen propped up bc the hinge is broken and can't be unplugged bc it dies immediately and the power cord is always hanging in midair bc it is plugged into the furthest possible outlet all while not responding to their name, contorting themselves into knots nearly falling out of their chair and making random vocalizations from time to time.

Tina: I just had to take a 20 minute tour of the swamp thing's Minecraft house.

Sam: Whose?

Tina: "The kid over there eating his own snot bubble with the YouTube volume maxed out."

Sam: "oh yeah, Jennifer's kid, total iPad kid."

by Don't hesitate, order today! July 5, 2022

ipad kid

that one stupid unsocial kid who has an ipad at the age of 2-9 and 20 years later the parents wonder why their kid was a elementary and middle school loser.

Briana: Why is that kid with his ipad and not playing basketball outside with his cousins?

Abdul: He's an ipad kid, he lacks basic social skills and has never talked to anybody but their mom and dad.

by jimyjohn December 20, 2021