A mum who is also working as a professional/career job. Same as a career mom.
She’s not a stay at home mum she’s a professional mummy.
Cum Mummy, (v) (com mumi)
A term used to describe the actions of when, after a male masturbates, said man wraps bundles of toilet paper on their arm to clean off the splooge from their hand.
Cum Mummy, (v) (com mumi)
A term used for when after a female stimulates a man’s penis causing an orgasm, preferably by jerking him off, and then proceeds to bundle her hand in toilet paper to clean her hands off.
“I was fapping last night, and I did a cum mummy.”
“Samantha and I were getting frisky last night, and she jerked me off; and then she pulled a cum mummy on me.”
Put your hand in ice water for 10 minutes. Remove and wrap with gauze or elastic wrap, you should be able to feel the coldness of your hand. Begin to masterbate.
I did A Mummy last night, it was a chilling experience.
A dominant queen of the 1950's, member of Barkada and the leader of the Crossroad Demons. Being a Pie Lover, she is not only a sweetheart but also a YANDERE Dommy Mommy Waifu for Laifu at heart. Just... Please do not piss her off... or call her mother... it will not end well......
Since she is a demon is it required that you shall have to sacrifice your heart or sell your soul to her... This is not a question. Pick your poison.
Person 1 - Ayo bro, you excited to see Missus Mummy's Twitch Stream?
Person 2 - Oh hell yeah! Mumsy so skibidi and very demure.
Person 1 - Very mindful.
rock mum-my
n. rock mummies
1. Musical performers who have aged past the apparent reasonable range for their chosen musical style.
Origin: "Rock" is the style of music in which this behavior is most widely noticed. "Mummy" describes a mummified corpse, generally of extreme age (having been popularized by ancient Egyptians).
"Seriously, Tom Petty is such a rock mummy now - I'm taking bets on whether he or one of the Stones breaks a hip first."
fairy mummies will cut off your dick and wear it as a hat.
see pixie mummies
To get something just right, like goldilocks, not too big not too small, just right!
Dont mess up the shot, 'mummy bear it'
It's 'mummy bear'