mya is an insecure blonde girl that got cheated on for months. this girl has a wrinkly forehead
i don’t like that girl mya
Beautiful human , speaks nothing but the truth and one whose middle name is Marie
Damn is that Mya over there?
Yeah i wanna be her
Is a rat looking person who can’t control her feelings cause she’s a gay ass bitch
Person sees Mya: oh shit a rat
Mya is very pretty but she's real slow so she don't see it. Mya also like to talk a lot of shit wether she likes to admit it or nor. She is also kinda funny but she's better at laughing at my jokes. She's a chent overall.
"Mya is a lil bitch."
Mya is the most beautiful girl in the world she never fails to make me smile and I'll do anything for her (except give her my anime clothing, she only gets the ones I might sell) if you're reading this mya you probaly know who wrote this so I guess this is my way of asking u out 🤷 ♂️ love u
Person 1: who's that, shes beautiful
Me: my future wife, Mya, hopefully