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wolf grease

The natural lubricant that allowed your butt hole to stretch when taking a big poop

After joe takes a crap in a construction site Porto-potty in the middle of summer. He has to go back two hours later to re-whip the lingering “wolf grease”

by What’s your name… Fuck u Toni June 12, 2021

Obvious Wolf

A term used to describe somebody whom has done something wrong, and to sarcasticly compliment them.

Paul: John accidentally dropped the soap.
Arthew: What an obvious wolf!

by mattraf October 17, 2012

Wolf Ditch

(Verb) to consistently lead someone on that you are meeting up with them and making plans and then you ditch the plans at the last minute for other plans or someone else (another pack) or by yourself (lone wolf).

You can also wolf ditch a friend by kicking them out of your pack and essentially throwing them to the wolves.

Nancy was supposed to meet the rest of us at the restaurant but she wolf ditched us to hang out with her man instead.

I wolf ditched Nancy the other day because I was sick of her.

by Krmitlover June 22, 2017

Wolfe R.

Wolfe R. Is the most important part of the world. So pretty. Much beauty.

Thanks Wolfe R. You are the best!

by Try To Yee, Can Only Haw March 27, 2019

Wolf pussy

Wolf pussy is the urban term for a wild hairy vagina.

Omg! She came to the pool with wolf pussy.

by Kocaine Summers July 30, 2018

a lone wolf

an animal or person that generally lives or spends time alone instead of with a group.

She's a lone wolf.

by 늦덕이아미 July 1, 2018


A penis with a goatee

I grabbed a razor and gave myself a bissle-wolfe

by Ebineezer Beefqueef April 10, 2019