Soldiers Of Mercy Youth Ministry Officer that is in charge of overseeing and founding a branch of our ministry.
I am the Founding Officer of a Soldiers Of Mercy branch in Miami
A co-worker or boss who pops up out of nowhere and is a real pain in the ass each time he or she does.
Ted: "Look out, here comes Steve, the office manager."
John: "OMG, you are right it is the old office boil himself."
Somewhat promiscuous with salt and pepper hair. Seems docile at first look but watch out they are a dragon waiting to judge you. Like a typical bully they tend to lash out to the people they work with. Like an elephant they will not forget people that try to fight back.
Beware of people with this trait named Marci
Did you see what the office bully did to Traci? Slapped the papers right out of her hand when she walked by
1. United States Navy term used by sailors to describe the scented cake placed in urinals.
1. I pissed on the officer's candy.
A slang term for people who visit the bosses office regularly to offer hollow praise and sometimes gifts - with the intention of influencing the future actions of the boss. With time and work, the "Office Fluffer" can not only make the boss think they are a Super Hero - they can usually get them to fly in any direction they want with a few subtle comments (then disappear before any action happens).
"I just saw Jane go up to the Bosses office with some coffee 10 minutes ago - then back down to her desk. When the Boss came down - he told us we were to do things a new way. I swear I heard Jane talking about doing it that way last week...odd that method makes her job the easiest in the office. Of all the Office Fluffers - she's the best.".
"Man - that's got to be the third time Bob has been in the office asking how the Boss stays so ripped, and the third time he's come out discussing something important about to happen in the company. I think there's some serious Office Fluffing going on!".
"Every time Mike is missing from his desk - you can guess something bad is going to happen. No one in the office likes Mike, except the Boss - who thinks Mike is a genius. With enough Office Fluffing - Mike will eventually be pulled off the floor and given a nice job doing QC or something.".
The art of turning the aggressive momentum of a colleague towards himself or a common goal.
Becky stormed in with her TPS cover sheet bullshit but after five minutes found herself getting coffee for everyone. It was all because of Jane, she has a black belt in office judo.