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He’s the classic mexican from a ranch, dresses like a cowboy and it’s amazing at dancing in parties.Likes to laugh alot and is very humorous. He loves his friends and has one personality that everyone likes. Shy at first but can make your day when needed. He won't let his friends fall because he will fall with them and help them get up. Is very athletic and loves soccer. A great lover and amazing friend.

I bet Oscar likes to ride horses all the time in Mexico

by Bot#101 February 28, 2019

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Oscar, where do I begin...Oscar is a special friend of yours, he is really annoying and has no personal hygiene but for some reason the girls can't stay away from him.

For example one time a girl blocked him on everything but due to his persistence they ended up being FWB.

Girl with common sense: Why do you keep hanging around him he is literally stalking you??
Girl under Oscars spell: I just want to be his friend yanno??
Girl with common sense: yep friends, totally not something else
Girl under Oscars spell: *giggles*

by Skeleton365 October 24, 2019

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Oh man this guy is the sexiest man you will ever meet, and his toes are SO HOT

that guys so cool, what an oscar

by somerandompersonnobodyreally February 4, 2023

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The cutest kid in highschool no homo, gets all the chicks with his anime powers. oscar may be burned up but his 2 inch always gets succed by the thicc blondie. Oscar gets 90 dollar haircuts and is always flexing on people like jesus and gael making them feel poor. oscar also has soft cheesy toes to suck

barber: wassup oscar
oscar: nun much cutie
barber: what kind of cut would you like
Oscar: have you ever seen the mountains in rancho Cucamonga

by MR____spaNKY June 25, 2018

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Oscar is GAYEEEEEEE One time I was going to the restroom to take a piss and this nigga used the same urinal as me!!! I WAS LIKE BRUH AT LEAST WIPE. BUT I must say without Oscar I wouldn’t have found my beautiful husband.

If you itchy you an Oscar

by Bigahhhpp69 December 2, 2019

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1. An extremely sexy hispanic man

2. An extremely ugly American man

1. damn Oscar is one sexy latino
2. damn Oscar is one ugly ass american

by kyro1 October 27, 2017

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a skinny asian faggot. Dad barely home because hes adopted. Likes little kids. add his shit psn acc up @ Osqcker. just a gay fag.

see that asian, ye must be a gay fag (oscar)

by daveroid2234 May 29, 2019

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