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Back to the Grind

Back to the Grind, is the phrase that all hustlers know. It means going back to the job at hand. We all have Grinds out there. It doesn't matter if you are doing the corporate grind (In a cubical), if you are a MC workin on an album, if you are on the block moving work, if you are hitting the books to get the grade you want. It doesn't matter....Life is a Grind....If you are living the Life that YOU WANT...you have to be on Your Grind...if not, your living the life that Someone is dictating for u!

Man, I had a ball in Miami last week. I kicked it hard, but shit, I got to get back to the Grind now. Play time is over, there's money to make.

by Ikelove5 July 25, 2011

223๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

bumping and grinding

The action of dancing which requires the buttocks to tease the the groin of the partner...in which the dancer is dancing with.

There was alot of bumping and grinding going on in da club!

by Cheese and Colon May 31, 2006

92๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

fortnite grind

the act of being on fornite for an extended amount of time.

"BRoooooooo I've been on here all night."

"Dude same, were on that fortnite grind."

by xxfenderboyxx February 22, 2018

26๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stealth Grind

When you sneak behind a random person dancing, or ideally some couple grinding on the dance floor and make spastic pelvic thrusts and other sexual gestures (i.e. ass slapping) from behind the unknowing target. Also can be equally effective and hilarious when done behind any person bending over for any reason, as in tying their shoe.

DB is stealth grinding king of the world.

by Stealth Grinder August 13, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grinding the Corn

Sexual technique. See the example.

From Six feet under (ep. 48):

(Jimmy and Claire in the bed, obviously after quite a good job..)

Jimmy: You know what is's called?
Claire: It has a name?
Jimmy: Grinding the Corn.
Claire: Grinding the Corn? What's the corn?
Jimmy: You know, with like a mortar and pestle. Only you push the pestle against the rim of mortar. Not in the bowl.
Claire: Oh.

by MichalMedved January 24, 2005

716๐Ÿ‘ 216๐Ÿ‘Ž

Grind Job

When you engage in a close, seductive dance with an other person causing enough friction for ejaculation to occur in your trousers and a lot of embarrassment because you just jizzed in your pants.

Damn when I was at the club, Rachael was dancing with me so hard that she gave me a grind job. Good thing it was dark so she didn't notice the huge cum stain on my pants.

by soxfanEB April 18, 2011

48๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

peaceful grind

When a woman has a "claim" on you, but when your bro needs you to entertain the "friend" on the dance floor in a bump and grind fashion.

Girlfriend, "What are you doing?!"

Guy, "babe it's not what you think, its a peaceful grind. Bob needed a bro to grind and entertain the big friend on the slut deck."

by You're the worst January 16, 2020