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Cum Storm

A ‘cum blizzard’ caused when a male ejaculates onto a spinning fan

Joe: And for my finishing move i did a cum storm
Jack: damn bro, what the fuck man

by Multiple penis man July 26, 2021

Seattle Storm

While receiving a blow job from your girl, you ejaculate into her mouth, and she stands up and sputters it out over you in the fashion of a lawn sprinkler.

Grab your umbrella.

James: Angela surprised me with a Seattle Storm last night.

Ryan: I hope you brought your rain Poncho!

by DirtyMike&ThaBoyz December 12, 2017

choad storm

while it is snowing outside it falls in small but fat flakes

dude did yuo see how fat that snow was even though they were small flakes?
yeah bro it was a total choad storm

by tatatata tanner January 10, 2011

tumder storm

The thunder type noise a stomach makes when it's hungry

Malcolm was hungry and begging to stop at the shell garage for snacks. A tumder storm could be heard from Malcolm's stomach in the back of the car.

by Mikey Jo Jo Toasterface September 21, 2016

storm eunice

a gay icon

storm eunice is a gay icon

by storm eunice December 4, 2022

Storm Porn

Televised potential and current catastrophic weather such as tornados, tropical storms, hurricanes, floods, and windstorms.

Man! I can't wait to get home to watch some storm porn on the weather channel to see how that hurricane is about to rip the coast a new one!

by Runitdude September 4, 2019

storm clouder

a person who can take a huge hit an blows out a huge cloud you cant see through or around it

It's truly amazing how much of a storm clouder you've become

by StormClouder September 13, 2017