Triad of Trash is composed of 3 people, 1 American (Jeffrey Epstein) and 2 Brits (Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell) who set up an empire in the sex trafficking of children and teenage girls. Big in the news in the year 2020 during the first of the SARS world wide pandemics named COVID-19. These 3 people of top 1% backgrounds of wealth on earth escaped justice due to extreme privilege and money!
Now that Epstein is dead the triad of trash has become a duo. The Prince Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell will hopefully be tried for the crimes of the entire Triad of Trash! Victims need justice for the crimes committed by people know as The Triad of Trash. Virginia Roberts Giuffre an American Born Hero living in Australia was instrumental to bringing Justice to The Triad of Trash!
Bad loot in Video Games. Anything bad in general.
Yo that gun is straight booty trash.
If an individual is Shipping Trash, it means that they really support the ship, and will do anything to protect it/make it real. They get very butthurt or offended if someone else doesn't like the ship, or if they're reminded that the ship might never be a thing.
When using this term, replace 'Shipping' with the ship in question. (Septishu, Amyplier, Phan, etc.)
Shipping Trash:
E.g. 1. My friend is such Septiplier trash, that she disliked all of Wiishu's videos, and sends her hate on a daily basis.
A cupcake someone has licked the icing off of and throw away.
It means no one likes you they just like what comes with you.
“Sarah is such a trash muffin, I only like her for her boat. “
“Alayna is a trash muffin but it’s better then being alone during lunch.”
“I think i’m just a trash muffin to Paige and Reagan. They only ever hang out with me when they need a ride.”
The reality of ski bums... the cute name for these type of "professional" skiers who exist hand to mouth, mooching beers or bongs, living on other peoples couches... but have a really good time skiing over 100 times a season!
Half the people in this town on unemployment or washing dishes at night are ski trash.
Q. What do you call ski trash without a girlfriend?
A. Homeless
- Anybody wHO tYP3EZ lYk3 diSS
- Blames everything on Racism
- Shouts, stops their feet and hand gestures when arguing
- Racist towards Whites, Asians, and other races
- Thinks they still deserve to be re-paid for slavery
- Wears chains that make their skin green
- Listens to shit ass music and claims to be from the hood
A lot of black people are nice and educated. I like them a lot, but just as their is White Trash their is Definitley Black as well.
Black Trash Kid: AYO, This is sum racist bullshit, the teacha gave me a motha fuckin' F just cause I'm black
Normal Black Person: Maybe you just didn't get a good grade because you didn't study. Most white people aren't racist towards blacks and the only reason they are is because Black Trash gives us a bad name by putting out all this ghetto bullshit and talking about strippers, gangs, and killing people. If we want to be treated equally we need to start acting like we're equal, no more of this ghetto bullshit, we're better than that.
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