another name for a hangover
Ugghhh... that was a heavy duty party last night... ive glt a massive, uhh beer headache?
The can (or bottle) of beer that is left in your fridge for weeks/months/years and almost certainly is of a unique flavor that is only suitable to a particular palate. Many times weird beer is brought to another social occasion (since you are too cheap to go out and buy a new six-pack that you know others will enjoy) and it will then be passed on to another for the beer to sit all alone in their fridge.
(Bob - looking in Tony’s fridge) — Hey Tony, is see some nice flavors in here. You are really into Pils and IPAs these days, but what the hell is this Pumpkin-Chili-Porter?! (Tony - Responding to Bob) — Yeah, Travis brought that over (freaking cheapskate) it was from that Halloween party he had last year. (Bob - responding to Tony) - I ain’t touching that weird beer…
A beer you can take anywhere, church airplanes, grocery stores ect..
Security: Sir you can't drink in here. Customer: "yes, I can. This is a service beer"
A person that drinks copious amount of beer and then goes about their business.
You're a real, Beer beast, that's what you do !!
Why is canoe beer like making love in a canoe? It's f++king close to water.
Something often said. It means their gonna fuck all the women and drink all the beer.
I'm gonna fuck all the women and drink all the beer.
A Vancouver Island staple for locals. Boxes mostly spotted in peculiar places like signs on bridges and trees at Locals secret spots. Distinct taste of sucking on a penny. Best beer ever..If you are from Sooke.
It's Friday, time to get some Lucky beer