To burn tea means to overreact over a given situation
Man you gotta stop burning tea
When someone has Chlamydia, and has a hairy downstairs.
I have such rug burn right now.
When you spend $500 plus on dances at a titty bar and only end up with a rash above your knee.
Bro, I got so many dances at Carl’s last
Night, that one bitch gave me rug burn!
Gesture of conveying to another person at a burning man event; hope the event exceeds expectations, to get out of your comfort zone, and have a great time.
"Fuck you burn" (while flipping the other person off)
When a woman has acid reflux then performs a blowjob.
Last night was great up until Sharon gave me a burning banana cave. Now my penis feels like its sunburned.
A word used often by old timers or those who are associated with the mafia. Meaning to go against the family values, or just anything to do with disruption of the family.. ie: to set the couch on fire.
It smells like burning sofa, sofa, like the couch, someone’s setting the couch on fire..
Robert, are you burning the couch?!
-the old Italian lady says as Robert is flirting with her sons wife.
When you smoke marijuana while driving a car with a group of friends
friend 1: what are we doing tonight??
friend 2: theres nothing going on.
friend 1: lets just roll n burn in Jon's car.
friend 2: FUCK YAAA