A group of people who think they are superior to others but in fact their IQ is not high enough to manage their breathing. You will easily recognize them because of their ugliness.
There's no boi who wants to date Aline and Filipa beacause their ugly level is very high. By calling them 'subordinated people' they will immediatly insult you for being an idiot. And all of the sudden, they will stop breathing because there's too much stuff going on...
The thing that pops up when you make a definition on Urban Dictionary
Urban Dictionary: Please review Urban Dictionary’s content guidelines before writing your definition. Here’s the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.
Me: ait bet imma make a definition of this
Big Swanky People is a term or label for Cool and Fashionable People that have Plus Size stature.
It does not denote physical beauty or gender.
It is a nice term.
Those Big Swanky People know how to rock the catwalk!
The official name for the refrigeration drawer storage units used in a Morgue.
Yeah Aunt Millie has to spend some time in the people crisper before she is ready to rest.
As well as Throw Short People Month, many people worldwide celebrate 'Eat short people month'. During the time, it is customary for those with shorter statures, to be nibbled by, and consumed by those of a taller standing. The month is October, so fear us you shorties.
YAY! Its eat short people month, time to eat the short people in our friend group, not that they count as people or friends.
Wait, it's eat short people month, the month in which we commune together to consume the short, October!
During October, it is widely known that the custom of consuming the short is highly encouraged. Those of a shorter stature are encouraged to be nibbled and devoured by those of us who worked so hard to be taller. It is widely considered taboo to not participate. In certain parts of India and the UK, it is also known for short people to give gifts to each other, and the tall, as well as to consume dirt and ants, so as to participate in the festivity themselves.
Yay, eat short people month, I love October because we can consume those we deem less valuable to society!
10th November, a day where you can throw your friends into the Hunger Games
Ruby: when Cartier killed my tribute in the fanfiction story, I threw him into the Hunger Games because it was International Teleport People Into the Hunger Games Day.