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it’s over for you

negative canthal tilt + no jawline + fat cheekbones

anyone that isn’t jordan barrett

dude 1 : dude she didnt tried kiss me the second I met her
dude 2 : it’s over for you

by ropemaxxing February 11, 2024

to the day hell freezes over

another way of saying no to a person on something by exaggeration with it

"Rita, when are you going to give me a kiss?" asked Beta. Rita responds with "to the day hell freezes overwhile walking out the door of the room" leaving Beta depressed.

by jeffersonson October 17, 2019

farts over sharts

The better of bad options

Sure, you can manage a Lululemon instead of delivering car parts, but that's farts over sharts.

by AriAndJoe February 12, 2022

Bridge Over Troubled Water

When two men ejaculate over a women who had been menstruating, creating a bridge-like cum form. Both guys are obliged to glue each others pubes onto their face creating a Garfunkel Mustache.

Matt and Kane gave Georgia a Bridge Over Troubled Water last night.

John has to chill out, Sarah, give him a Bridge Over Troubled Water.

by LuckyLeprachuan111 November 23, 2011

Come over and do Laundry

Term used when a person wants to break up or end the relationship with another person.

John and I have been having a lot of problems lately. I think I’m gonnna invite him to come over and do laundry tonight.

by Pilsenbro13 January 7, 2018

brethren over wenches

Homies ova hoes!

Eg boondocks , song by Gangstalicious ,hommies ova hoes , in shakesperean english 'brethren over wenches'

by Yellowman October 7, 2013

The Over the top

When you and a buddy are double teaming a woman and you have an arm wrestling match on her back.

Rat and Darron took a girl home from the bar last night and proceeded to pull the Over the top with her! Who won? Darron of course!

by August 26, 2022