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porn clothes stash

where a teen woman has stashed some porn clothes so that she can change into them later.
that is where her parents won't let her wear then out or to school so she stashes them some place and changes into them later and then changes back into her old clothes later.
the clothes she wears to school may make you want some but not show her pussy or tits bu8t the ones she wears out may.

Kathy's got a porn clothes stash.

by Deep blue 2012 October 14, 2009

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Porn Fetish

1. Porn Fetish is what you get when u r horny. 2. U c a hot girl and think, " i wanna c her naked, or i wanna bang her. 3. When u suddenly have the urge to watch porn and masturbate. 4. When u c a hot girl on tv and think, " dude i wonder is shes got her own pornsite!!". U most commenly have a porn fetish when u masterbate every night, otherwise feeling u arent complete.

Guy 1. Dude Justin Beiber must totally have a gay porn fetish!
Guy 2. Why?
Guy 1. Cuz. u think that he thinks a chick will ever sleep with him???
Guy 2. No... But a guy mite!
Guy 1. Ya u dumbass. Hes definatley got a porn fetish.
Guy 2. Yup

by PussySlayer69 December 21, 2011

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Average porn addict

Average porn addict is a derogatory term used to describe a personality or art style of someone (a majority of the time a minor) with a clear addiction to porn. Lovingly used to insult 14 year olds that can't help but draw blushing bulges on all of their furries or twelve year olds who can't go a second without talking about how horny they are and how it's just hormones.

*a crude drawing of a furry with big thighs and uncomfortable breasts; every part of the damn body is blushing*
-"Average porn addict art style"

by Xx_4$$h0l3_xX March 24, 2023

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racist porn star

1)A double negative. 2) Any illogical argument.

Asia Carerra is an asian racist porn star. She refuses to "work" with black or asian men.

by Golem was a greedy stripper September 10, 2006

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Alpha porn star

the main porn star in your list of favorite porn stars: sort of like a bottom bitch

Ken: Who's your favorite porn star?

Devin: Daisy Marie, she's my alpha porn star! XD

by DevilRouge July 27, 2012

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Over-the-shoulder Porn

When your significant other looks at sexy materials on the Internet, and you watch them looking at it and get turned on by association.

My bisexual girlfriend was looking for a girlfriend online all night, it was great Over-the-shoulder Porn!

by tomthealienninja June 7, 2010

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Popcorn chicken porn

Similar to chicken nugget porn.

Midget amputee porn.

Dude, check out the popcorn chicken porn.

by Dribblewitt May 20, 2018

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