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Creamed twinkle

The moment euphoria pushes you to an out of this world, into the stars experience

Jes saw Timmy and immediately had a creamed twinkle

by Timmy2X July 27, 2017

Ghetto Cream

Ghetto cream is that whip cream stuff in big containers that are very thick and are disgusting.

Molly: "Hey guys I got some whipped cream at Walmart!"
Nathan: "That ain't whipped cream that's ghetto cream."
Molly: "Yeah Yeah whatever Nathan."

by Idiotic Duckyyyy April 11, 2021

ghetto cream

A shampoo labeled as Ghetto Cream, More commonly known as (Semen). Most white teenagers use this whilst washing their hair. It is rumoured that Ghetto Cream can stop (Split Ends) and has the same efficiency as any 2 in 1 shampoo and conditioner.

Create in 2015, North London, Barnet

White Boy: "Mum we ran out of Ghetto Cream"
Mum: " Sorry I accidentally brought bull semen instead"

by A1.NrthLdn November 11, 2015

Peaches for cream

A very odd Chihuahua who looks like she’s got a few screws loose. Commonly known for her distinct look of squint eyes, falling around like she’s drunk, her few teeth she has and her massive tongue always hanging out. Often found in Holly’s bed being squashed at night

Oh look there’s that rat on legs peaches for cream

by Peaches for cream December 11, 2019

Having too much cream

Having it too easy in the post office

“You need to get him off that route, he’s having too much cream

by Ofsuburbia December 17, 2023

Cream cabin

A cream cabin is basically a boys public bathrooms where they all vape and give each other oral sex

Boy#1: meet me in the cream cabin
Boy#2: it’s bouta get wild😏

by Glizzy_gobbler69 February 8, 2022

Cream Style

Cream Style mean when someone or something is worthy of creaming (having an orgasm) in your pants.

That girl is totally cream style!

by Tatd4Life March 14, 2010