Gammy legs is a word that you say when you have someone walk past you and have the biggest ass and you just fall
Oh damn she gave me gammy legs Jerome
French Fries that were fried in grease after fried fish.
When we tasted fish when we ate the French Fries at the bar, we asked for Old Bay Seasoning and called it Poor Man's Crab Legs.
the top of the leg of a man who is very muscular. looks like the top of an action mans leg
he had a well fit body but i hated his action-man leg!
Refers to the playful "pretend assistive" action of raising someone's ankles up off the bed/couch in an apparent effort to aid him in standing back up ("Okay, your feet are up so far; you can lift more of yourself up now!"), but in reality you are effectively **preventing** him from standing up, since he would need to have his legs **lower** than his head and torso in order to be able to sit up and get to his feet. :P
Employing da "helpful" legs-lift is a good way of sarcastically conveying to a huge-a** lazy-bones who has groaningly asked for your assistance in rising dat he is obviously much too big/bulky/heavy for a much-smaller/lighter/weaker person like you to actually lift to his feet, and dat he will therefore need to just clamber back up under his OWN steam.
Dudes with buff ass legs that they literally look like sacks of juice.
Bro look at that guy over there! Dude literally gots them sack of juice legs 🦵🏼, I think I'm gonna run and slide cancel on em and slice his legs open with my damascus camo knife!
The action of losing the functionality in your legs.
Person 1: Hey man, why are you in a wheel chair?
Person 2: Oh yea, last night I got into the freak accident and went leg deaf.