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Dick Cheney Moment

When a politician or some other public servant tells someone else in government who they are having issues with to "Go fuck yourself".

A comment immortalized by then Vice President Dick Cheney in an exchange with Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy on the US Senate floor back in 2004. The comment has since shown up in various political satire about Vice President Cheney.

Judging by the reaction of the tense exchange that had occurred between Congressman Frank and Congressman Stewart, It was apparent that Congressman Frank had just had a Dick Cheney Moment

by Libertatis September 2, 2015

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Divine Moments of Truth

DMT- Possibly the most intense psychedelic drug known to mankind. Sometimes called the "spirit molecule" it is a chemical that occurs naturally in a number of living organisms, as well as in the human brain at birth, while dreaming, and in the minutes leading into death. People have reported seeing alternate universes with alien, or elf-like inhabitants while tripping on Divine Moments of Truth. The trip itself lasts only 15-30 minutes, but due to its intensity, it seems to last a lot longer. It comes in several different formats, sometimes white and crystalline in appearance, other times looking more like red-brow clay. However, in every different format, it is always reputed to glow under a blacklight. It is EXTREMELY rare, so if your lucky enough to come across it, cherish the experience, because it's probably the closest you'll get to nirvana on this physical plane. ;)

I tripped on some Divine Moments of Truth with some friends last night, we traveled to a mystical parallel universe where the Mother-Goddess welcomed us into her temple and revealed to us the meaning of life. We stayed with her in that paradise for what seemed like years, but when we finally returned to our physical plane, it had only been 20 minutes. :/

by Miss Baby Gurl July 16, 2011

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Tree House Moment

When a girl goes down on a guy in a tree house and doesnt remember the next day.

"Dammit I cant remember what happened last night, what happened?"
"Yeah girl, you had a tree house moment"

by bubala123 May 6, 2009

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Truman Show moment

An event or series of events where you get feeling that people are watching you or even trying to alter your thoughts or actions in accordance to their script. The term comes from the 1998 movie, The Truman Show. Especially true when brought on by an occurrence similar to one in the movie itself.

If this happens too often see paranoia or narcissism.

SeaBass: Dude, I just had a Truman Show moment!
SquirrelMaster: How's that?
SeaBass: I was driving in my car, and on the radio they started talking about our small town, and they never do that!
SquirrelMaster: Maybe you should get that checked out.
SeaBass: My radio?
SquirrelMaster: No, your head...

by Bvas November 24, 2007

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Epic gamer moment

An epic gamer moment is when an epic gamer gets a win and the entire lobby has a massive orgasm

Bro, Bro that dude just pulled off the best epic gamer moment *starts moaning*

by gamergirl69 69 69 August 30, 2019

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Creased Jeans Moment

That moment when you collect your jeans from the cleaners shortly before you want to wear them for a hot date, only to realise they've had creases ironed right down the front of them and there's no time to change.

Damn this Creased Jeans Moment - the cleaner's ironed creases right down the front of my jeans and I've no time to change before my hot date.

by Angry Filthster June 4, 2010

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Soap Opera Moment

Term to be used as an adjective, to describe when a situation or conversation is or was so cliche, stereotypical, unbelievable or fake that it could only be found on TV, especially in a soap opera.

Walking in on her twin sister and her long lost child making passionate love in the office of her diabolical stalker psychologist, Evee had quite the Soap Opera Moment.

by Quinn Allen June 7, 2007

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