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Secondhand socialize

Secondhand socialize: Wanting to be around people, but only able to do so through social media.

“Dude, this quarantine sucks. All I do is sit in bed, get fat, and secondhand socialize.”

by T.RexxSr. April 24, 2020

social skills

What most people, including me, don't have. Due to an increase in the amount of people using the Internet, that's to be expected of human society.

Bob: Do you have any social skills?
Alex: No, just like you and the other 99.99999% of the human population.

by Doctorate in Cussing September 12, 2023

Social Filter

something my autistic depressed piece of shit self needs

Person 1: the fuck did that son of a bitch just say to me
Person 2: bro has absolutely no social filter that was insensitive as fuck

by southparkn64player March 18, 2023


"Social-fullofshit-ism" is when your brain is so full of propaganda and lies that there is no room for the truth or reason.

I am sick and tired of watching the network news, they all spout the same old social-fullofshit-ism.

by 2B+ October 20, 2019


With the use of social media tools, individual(s) cause damage thru bad behavior, P.R., lies, half-truths, rumors, etc. to a company's brand or product. The effect is terror and distraction to the brand's core IP.



http://blog.plusfactory.net/2009/04/man-made-digital-media-disasters-or- social-media-terrorism

by plusman April 16, 2009

Social Syphilis

A condition suffered by those considered socially undesirable. Unlike the STD, physical pain is not a side effect. The most noticeable symptom is an outcast status among friends and coworkers.

Social Syphilis is usually contracted as a result of a bad public breakup, embarassing youtube video, or facebook fight. After being diagnosed, one is typically shunned by others, and is unlikely to enter a romantic relationship for a significantly long period of time.

Didn't you see her big breakup on facebook? She and Tom had a huge fight, he called a whore, and now she's got Social Syphilis. Nobody's gonna touch that bitch.

by Dirk Browitski February 2, 2011

Social elements

Additionally, there are ALSO...

Hym "SOCIAL AND BIOLOGICAL ELEMENTS of being being black. And as a mixed race persona I have been told on several occasions that I don't ACT black. So, there ARE social elements to race. Historically there have even been terms associated with people who phenotypically align with one race but socially aligned with another. For example, the Chinese white guy who speaks english with a Chinese accent. Whould HE be wrong to identify as a Chinese person, Piers? No. Should he be made to start speaking English like an American? No. Why would you expect him to have to do that? Retarded. Seriously. You motherfuckers are actually retarded."

by Hym Iam June 13, 2024