Gaming Week is a week which started from 21 June 2019 (and have not ended by the time this is written)
It started with Minecraft followed by Papers, Please! and so on.
Some illirate ignorant peasants mistake THIS for gaming time.
person 1 Have you seen Pewds new video? He started playing games.
person 2 Yes i have seen it, it's weird right?
A game that is played to comfort the player. It is typically slower-paced with bright colours and is aimed at a casual audience. Examples of common comfort games include life simulation games like Stardew Valley or visual novels.
"NiGHTS into Dreams is my comfort game."
Re-creating a game that had once been, Either by replicating it the best it can, or adding on to the original.
Toontown Rewritten is a Game Revival of Toontown Online.
Relatively new game, came out after lil peeps death. Can be a sexual game but most commonly played by teens. The person who initiated the game hurts the other person any way they like, then has to do the same thing back to themselves. (Usually starts with a slap or light punch.) The next round the other person goes first and hurts the initiator, then themself the exact same way.
The hypocrite can’t take the pain and p**sys out. The hypocrite usually has to eat something, or do something for the winner.
Sometimes the game starts with people hurting themself, then the other person but only real psychos play that game. I’ve heard that game called “crybaby”. After lil peep.
Initiator: Would you like play the new hypocrite game? If you accept, looser does both our homework.
Saying used by Scottish children and some adults too when something has went wrong and the game they’re playing has been or needs stopped and sorted out before it can continue, if it continues at all.
The end of a game that was being enjoyed and someone spoiled it.
Jimmy keeps cheating and I’m not having it. Game’s a bogie!
Boab’s going home with his ball guys…game’s a bogie!
Take your average off the Shelf shity computer and give it steroids and you have a gaming PC
Gaming computer in a word are computers that fill in the gap between a average workstation and an IBM supercomputer man has technology advanced over the years gaming PCs are usually preferred to be in very flashy cases with tempered glass and enough shades of red green and blue to light up a room but this is optional but if you're building one and don't have at least Lighting in it your scrub if you want a good example see you GIF down below
Games created by bad ass chicas ready to bring the spice and sazón to all parties.
Proceed with caution, these games cause crazy game nights.
Oh did you get a Tragos Game? We’re getting fucked up today for sure!