Source Code

Pixi Stick

When you load up a man's urethra with cocaine and snort it out of the end.

Umm... This is a yummy pixi stick!!! Ka ka ka YEAAAA!!!

by OzFilm September 1, 2007

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Harry Sticks

Harry sticks means Harry Judds (Harry from Mcfly) it means Harrys Drumsticks. It all came about when i nearly got hit by a silver astra and i yelled OOOO FOOK ME WITH A HARRY STICK !!
ยฉ Jacey ยฉ

oooo fook me with a harry stick

harrys 'harry stick rule'

by Jacey Palombella April 11, 2004

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noob stick

May Come From Runescape (RS) meaning a cheap/weak weapon that is usally wielded by Noobs, usally its a dagger or a shortsword.
Also it is refered as a cheap/weak weapon that noob or a player is proud about.

Player: look a this weapon weopon i bought from the Store
You: OMFG look at that noob stick! NOOB!!!

Player: Look at this bronze long sword I just got
You: What are u on about? thats a well noob stick u lamo

by Skyrazza October 3, 2006

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stick man

Incredibly Skinny Person, so skinny that they turn invisibly side on.

Stick Figures.
Kurt Riddel.

by joel warren December 7, 2004

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Pee Stick

Where you have an erection, and try to pee, so you start hitting people or objects with it to lessen your erection, and as you are doing so, you start to pee on everything. And someone pukes.

"Man I was trying to pee and when I hit the door with my penis, I peed on my cat and he threw up!"

pee stick penis puking kitty cat kitten fuck Obama's socialistic bitch ass NAZI! pee stick

by tacobellnuts9vsMcDonaldsMcSack February 17, 2011

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fun stick

Being beaten by the fun stick is to have an excellent time

whenever i listen to dave clarke, it feels like i'm being beaten by a big stick of fun

by ana May 15, 2003

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quim stick

The best type of battle stick ever known. Before battling, the sweet spot of the stick must be rubbed on or in the quim of an elderly but charming woman.

DAAANG.....Nate just got whacked hard by that quim stick!

by Hot stick February 24, 2005

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