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Sexual Fidgeting

The act of masturbation or sexual intercourse in order to decrease one's boredom.

"I was just sitting in my dorm during lockdown, bored out of my mind. Sexual Fidgeting was the only thing that got me through."

by Lieken November 1, 2020

Tahj Sexual

Tahj Sexual is a Sexuality made for CamTheHeartBreaker fans to let other CamTheHeartBreaker Fans know they love him and are sexualily attracted to him

Yoo Hes pushing T (Tahj Sexual)

by lilcaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam January 1, 2023

Bat Sexual

Bat sexuality is a sexuality towards bats (as of Bat man, Bat girl and the inbetween)

She came out as bat sexual

by Soufer June 10, 2022

Dream sexual

Someone who would die for a bit of attention.

How to know if you are dream sexual: if no one likes you

or if you a little dirty rat who deserves to die.

Dream sexual is a person who should go a rot in the sewers were you belong and I hope you end up in the deepest parts of hell

by man420 March 11, 2022

Dream Sexual

the reason god hasn't come back, the reason we has suicide, the reason covid started. you better be glad Adam and Eve weren't dream sexual because god would have killed them rather then banish them

dumb ass: I'm a dream sexual
are hero: ends them
god: I'm ok with that

by ogwhic February 6, 2022

Dream Sexuals

Dreamsexuals are people who suffer from many mental illnesses like: depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Dream Sexuality or Dream gender illness is usually caused by no bitches ,friends or father figures.

Person: Oh no molly's one of the Dream Sexuals
Person : Aliright kids road trip to the Asylum!

by Heynoway November 18, 2022

Dream sexual

There are two types of dreamsexuals.

1: only feeling sexual attraction during dreams, but barley any when awake (valid, also known as sognaresexual)

2: only feeling sexual attraction to the content creator dream (not valid)

1: I'm dream sexual!

2: that's weird...

1: oh, I think you got it mixed up
2: ?

1: I only have sexual attraction during dreams, I'm sognaresexual!

2: phew! I thought you meant the other one..

by B10rl September 20, 2021