Scattered pieces of rubbish or remains as a result of a.sexual encounter. Could be condom, tissues, dried vaginal fluids, semen and but not exclusive to, blood.
Example: i have been having some amazing sex lately but i am getting a bit sick of cleaning up all the sexual debris
A sexuality where the person is straight but also has a strong attraction to themselves.
I looked in a mirror for half an hour this morning, I must be Fair-Sexual.
Someone who is bi-sexual, but also has a strong attraction to themselves.
I looked in the mirror for half an hour this morning, I must be Fair-Sexual.
A hillbilly typically named Curtis digs up a relative to then have sex with a sibling in the casket
"Jim did u know Curtis is a casket sexual?"
This represents a type of animal role-playing, in which one participant acts like a horse or a pony by wearing eather straps or harnesses, and/or pulling a cart with the their partner playing the role of a rider, trainer or master.
I identify with the Pony sexuality/community. That means I'm into horse role-playing and harnesses. Also, carts turn me on and instead of daddy, I call you in a fancier way: "master". ;) <3
When something is really good or a task goes very well. As chocolate and sex are also good together.
Bloke 1: Mate, that gearbox went in sweet.
Bloke 2: Yea mate, like sexual chocolate.
Its where black people submerge themselves in chocolate pudding and just down and dirty.Its also where men queef too hard and shit out half their intestines.