When a person you are waiting for gives you a time until they will be there but the actual time can range from mere minutes to multiple hours.
Dooray: Brb/I'll be there in 5 minutes.
*90 minutes lates*
Dooray: I'm here
Me: I was about to complain but then remembered Dooray Time.
a watch... time bracelet is a cooler name for a watch.
Gertrude: what time is it?
Andy: time to get a "time bracelet" ;)
The time preceding a major shitty phase in ones life. You don’t think much of it in the moment, but once you’re past it and you’ve entered the bad phase of life, the before times come back to haunt you, angry that you weren’t grateful for them. You get this intense feeling of despair, you’d do ANYTHING to go back to the before times. But that’s the thing, once they’re gone, you can only move forward.
The whole world in 2020 now remembers 2019 as the Before Times.
Time in the hat is a period of self reflection whilst on a dose of psychedelics. Sometimes meaning literally putting a hat over your eyes and losing yourself.
Alternatively this can also mean you've put in your dues in your job.
EXAMPLE 1: Timmy needs to spend some time in the hat. He's a little selfish.
EXAMPLE 2: Joe used to work at the gas station. He really put in his time in the hat.
The inability to show up anywhere without being a minimum of 20 minutes late.
Mike: The game starts in 10 minutes. Ricky was supposed to be here at 3. It's now 3:30. Does anyone know where he is?
David: You know you have to tell Ricky to be somewhere 30 minutes early so he shows up on time. He be running on that Tammer time.
A time banjo occurs when there is a break or lull in proceedings at a party and people begin to wonder whether they should be leaving.
There was a time banjo at about one o'clock, but we got through it and the party ended at around 4am.
Don't do a time banjo, Jonathan.
The time banjo was really awkward so we got on our coats and left.
The lapse of time between reality and "The Land of the Lost."
See the news tonight? The canoe spun off a cliff into a valley deep below, "Trump Time." It's a fascinating place that no one wants to go in for a rescue.