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Urban Dictionary Addict

A person who is addicted to reading and writing definitions on UD. They often get a thrill off of posting inappropriate yet hilarious definitions for the whole world to see. Also what I am

BukkakeSenpai69 has written over 400 definitions and is obviously an Urban Dictionary Addict

by Dubiks May 4, 2019

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Urban Dictionary Game

Step 1: Go to any definition in Urban Dictionary.
Step 2: Click the first link, if none in the first definition, go to the next.
Step 3: If you end up with a definition with a link, see step 2. If not, see step 4.
Step 4: Click the first tag, see step 2
Step 5: If step 4 doesn't work, go the next tag.

After this is over, you should be at "the look," stuck in a loop.
If you end up anywhere else in a loop, make another definition of this game to include it.

John: the urban dictionary game is my favorite game

by i'mtrumpandilovelasagna January 18, 2018

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urban dictionary syndrome

Urban Dictionary Syndrome (UDS)- When a person goes to urbandictionary.com to search up a word and ends up clicking on pointless links and adding retarded definitions to words like "soggy bananas" and "yellow Ke$ha." Afffects procrastinators strongly. Symptoms include headache, fatigue, and extreme pileup of work to be done.

person #1: Why haven't you uploaded those pics yet?

person #2: It's not my fault, I have urban dictionary syndrome!

by hermioninie January 6, 2011

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Urban dictionary-off

when you and a friend each exchange links to urban dictionary definitions and you try to out-do each other in sheer depravity of the definitions. Whoever makes the other person wretch first, wins.

Me and Josh had an Urban dictionary-off and i almost threw up when we he sent me the link for an 'alabama hot pocket'

by the loiterer November 6, 2010

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Being a faggot and putting words found in any dictionary on Urban Dictionary.



explosives meant to annoy your neighbors.


"I hate that geezer, he got mad at me just for shooting his dog. It was only an M80."

Wow. You sure do love your Urban-Dictionary-Faggotry

by dogpiss July 5, 2011

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Urban Dictionary Mug

A cool mug you can buy by ud.

Cool mug! It's an Urban Dictionary Mug!

by CFWarfare September 21, 2017

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Urban Dictionary sexual

When you go on urban dictionary so much you just want to have sex with the website

Dude im so Urban Dictionary Sexual

by Timskingdomrigh December 17, 2019

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