Simply a blowjob with a mouth full of dip
"Hey! Could you give me a Sloppy Dallas?"
"Sure! I'll get the dip!"
A sloppy dallas is a blowjob or a felito with a dip in the givers mouth
Hey joylne, Give me that "Sloppy Dallas"!!
No johnny i will not, I don't even like dip!
When your sister packs a fat lip and gives you a blowjob
Hey Cleetus, my sister made me a real nice sloppy dallas the other day.
getting a blowjob after the girl packs a fat lip of dip
yehaw brother my cousin said if I meet her at the barn tonight she'll give me a sloppy dallas
getting a blowjob after girl packs a FAT lip of dip
yehaw brother my cousin said if i meet her at the barn tonight she's gonna give me a sloppy dallas
Giving someone head with a mouth full of dip
Guys , she just gave me the best sloppy dallas I've ever had
A blowjob where the giver has a mouth full of dip.
Example 1:
Guy 1: She gave me head, but she had a mouth full of Skoal.
Guy 2: Oh man, she gave you a Sloppy Dallas.
Example 2:
Guy 1: Billy Jim offered me a blowjob for some Taco Bell, but he has dip in his mouth.
Guy 2: Ah hell man, that would have been one helluva Sloppy Dallas.