Someone who usually tries to be something that he's not to impress a girl that just uses him.
Girl: who's that guy your with?
Girl: oh him that my star boili, he buys me whatever I want so I will have sex with him, but it's never happening!!!
the sweats of bedwars
you see a 1000 star you will get bombed my there sweaty carpel tunnel hands
1000 star: anyone want to play bedwars?
50 star player: you need a life man
Reject, someone who is mentally challenged and has mental problems. Also see spastic, hick.
Tom: Why is that guy acting like a spastic :s
Jonas: Wow what a hick, he must be an I Singh Star
When someone says there going to get star food they mean “I’m going to eat a$$”.
“What are ya doin today ?”p.2
“Im goin ta get some star food later”p.1
A bad ass ninja who uses throwing stars covered in gold.
The Gilded Star raped the Lightwip.
The worst radio station this side of the south sound.
Gordon: Ayyo lemme turn on STAR 101.5
Barney: *Shoots Gordon*
The main protagonist in the P-Funk Mythology. Protector of the Pleasure Principle and representative of Funkentelechy.
Star Child will shoot the bop gun at Sir Nose D Voidoffunk to make him dance!