A girlfriend, boyfriend, or sexual partner who wakes you up by performing fellatio (dome, blow job, sucking D) on you.
Damn, you're lucky af! I wish I had a blow job rooster, I wake up hard anyway.
when you bust so hard you blow off her forehead from the jaw up
I blowed off her forehead better then she's ever imagined
Another way of telling someone to suck a dick in New York City.
When a male gets his penis stuck inside of a vacuum cleaner with gum stuck to the inside, giving pleasure to the victim.
“Yo man, I just got Holy Blow 69000 from Grandma’s Vacuum!”
“Todd’s cleaner gave me Holy Blow”
While receiving a blowjob, you let out a fart. This fart smells so bad, but to make sure the person giving you a blowjob doesn't notice the smell, so you pull your penis out of the person's mouth and ejaculate up their nose.
Yo dude, I let out the nastiest fart last night and I had to do some fart blowing.
Black-on-white violent crime.
Surprisingly, blow crimes have nothing to do with oral sex.