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family tree maker 2019

family tree maker 2019 is a software provided by mackiev and it is a new software of family tree maker 2019. If you are facing any technical problem related family free maker 2019 software you can us we are available 24*7 and for more information contact us.

family tree maker 2019 is a software provided by mackiev and it is a new software of family tree maker 2019. If you are facing any technical problem related family free maker 2019 software you can us we are available 24*7 and for more information contact us.

by pakkawala January 30, 2020


an adjective describing something that has stretched out near the bottom but has not stretched out on the top; usually describes a piece of clothing

This shirt doesn't fit anymore; after washing it so much it has christmas-treed.

by rubduck33 December 11, 2011

Christmas Tree

a tree, most are fake but the rare few humans can find a good quality one in a tree farm. Santie Clause puts gifts underneath the tree after you decorate it with bells, ribbons, ornaments etc. Santie Clause leaves after breaking and entering while you sleep. In the morning you go and open the gifts that Santie Clause(AKA- your legal guardian and other family members) put their and are either real disappointed or real happy.

“Bro santie clause definitely left me a phone under the Christmas tree this year!”

by imavocabularist January 15, 2020

Christmas Tree

A long hairy green penis/Dick they is protect from a unholy act by a candy cane

Omg the Christmas tree on him is mad large
I know i wanna suck it

by December 23, 2022

Christmas Tree

When someone shoves their head up another person's ass whilst both participants are on the floor.

Yo I just killed these two guys in Skyrim and they made a Christmas Tree

by Admon Hambon December 21, 2021

Christmas Tree

The sexual act of leaving whip Mark's on your partners skin that resemble the Garland of a Christmas Tree

Jill cam over last night and she let me make her a Christmas Tree.

by JackBlade999 December 5, 2020

Christmas Tree

The sexual act of leaving whip Mark's on your partners skin that resemble the Garland of a Christmas Tree

Jill cam over last night and she let me make her a Christmas Tree.

by JackBlade999 December 5, 2020