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Ke$ha wanted in the music industry so bad. As a joke, one of her friends told her "Just suck somebody's dick that works there".

The next thing you know, she has a deal. Now she makes crap that nobody can stand to listen to, except softcore juggalos and juggalettes and people who are fucked up off their ass.

Her music is roughly (after editing) 98% auto tone, 2% her. I think she failed kindergarten AT LEAST once. Nobody stresses the letter "R" quite like her (What is swaggerrrr and who is Mick Jagerrrr?).

Ketchup, I mean, Ke$ha will probably stop being played on the radio by next week, tops.

by Raw Doggy April 6, 2010

778๐Ÿ‘ 394๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. a new "singer" whose "singing" is enhanced by over using autotune.
2. a cheesy name.
3. a mix between miley cyrus and souljaboy.
4. the one who killed pop off for good.
5. an ear infection.
6. the reason why recycling might actually be bad.

-even though she isn't played as much as lady gaga, her singing is that of a dead ant.

i heard ke$ha's so called songs on the radio and had a stroke.

by slashtehnoob March 31, 2010

366๐Ÿ‘ 178๐Ÿ‘Ž


- noun
1. any form of shit and glitter mixed in many variations.
2. song writer with no real singing talent being displayed just talking with auto-tune heavily applied.
3. an item of disgust and undesirability.

1. shit and glitter : Man that food was Ke$ha
2 Unpleasant : " id rather die then kiss Ke$ha "

by //R+// January 16, 2011

387๐Ÿ‘ 193๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pathetic excuse for a musical artist as it has no musical talent whatsoever. Her only fans are girls between the ages of 12 and 14 who have been spoilt rotten by mommy and daddy who bought them their iPhone and PC and MAC makeup, although once their parents' trust fund runs out of cash, they have a 99% chance of turning to prostitution and drug/alcohol abuse (mainly due to having listened to Ke$ha's "music").

Her dress sense has been described as "garbage", and was inspired by cheap prostitutes. She is an alcoholic, and a future crack addict. It is estimated that this whole Ke$ha obsession will phase out by mid 2010, which will lead the "singer" to turn towards prostitution to fuel her $1,000,000 a day crack habit. Her best buddies include Amy Winehouse and Lindsay Lohan. Is known to give blow jobs to microphones, megaphones, men, women, children, dogs, cats, Mick Jagger, all animate and inanimate objects, and bottles of Jack.

spoilt, dumbass 13 year old teeny bopper: "lyk omg hav u herd ke$haz nu song itz kald tik tok zomg itz lyk so gud itz lyk 'waik up in teh mornin feelin lyk p diddey' hahahaha omg LULZ wat a gwd song shii iz lyk so talented n priity i wizh i waz mre lyk her!!!!!!111!"

me: "go kill yourself."

13 year old: "omg u r lyk so lame okaiiz! i hav 2 go dwnlode her new albm on miii PC now so i cn put it on mii iPhone and maik it mii ringtonez 4 erry1 2 here ZOMG luvv yaaa mwahz!!!!1111!!1!1!!1!!"

by p diddy.... January 28, 2010

1164๐Ÿ‘ 615๐Ÿ‘Ž


an untalented autotune pop whore. Well, she may have some talent, but since everything is autotuned, it's impossible to tell.

She looks like Paris Hilton when she's clubbing. Albeit, she looks like Paris Hilton after she's done a crapload of coke, drank a 40 of schnapps, passed out in her own vomit and redid her makeup (set to whore) while too intoxicated to stand.

"WTF happened last night?"
"You got so wasted that you look like Ke$ha"
"OMG, my face looks like I passed out in glitterry finger paint. Why am I in a bath tub?"
"Do you feel like P. Diddy?"

by mcDennis March 22, 2010

384๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž


A cruddy singer. Her voice is always fixed with autotune and sounds terrible live. A lady gaga wanna be. All she sings about is beer, getting drunk, and acting like a slut. She is trashing the minds of thousands of American children with her no good, shitty music. Her parents must be so proud...

(Ke$ha playing on the radio with fixed autotune voice) "We are who we are...."

Guy: "Change the station! Turn that shit off!"

Girl: "Nooooo she's AMAZING!"

(guy goes and breaks the radio)

by tehgreatzebra(again!) May 12, 2011

56๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mid-Twenties drug addict who sucks at singing. Simply unbearable to listen to. Shitty excuse for pop sensation. Ke$ha- Almost like a little girl singing in the shower.

She is so Ke$ha

by Pharaaa January 16, 2010

1278๐Ÿ‘ 701๐Ÿ‘Ž