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Anunnaki State of Iraq and Kuwait

The Anunnaki State of Iraq and Kuwait (ASIK / AnunSIK), also Anunnaki State of Sumeria (ASS / AnunSS), or simply Anunnaki State, is a name used to refer to the Anunnaki State of the Middle East focusing on the regions of Iraq and Kuwait. The Anunnaki State of Iraq and Kuwait is the name that supposedly the Anunnaki State would receive as it was focused on southern Iraq and Kuwait being the regions of Sumer and where the Anunnas supposedly descended to Earth.

The Anunnaki State of Iraq and Kuwait is still a very hypothetical country, being regarded as an Anunnakist and Zuist meme.

by Full Monteirism August 1, 2021

Anunnaki State of Middle East

The Anunnaki State of the Middle East (ASME / AnunSME), also Anunnaki State of Iraq and the Levant (ASIL / AnunSIL) or Anunnaki State of Iraq and Syria (ASIS / AnunSIS) is the name given to the Anunnaki State, or Anunnakiya. Although the term Anunnaki State of the Middle East is often used in a derogatory and mocking way along with the term Anunnaki ISIS.

The Anunnaki State of Middle East can be seen as the completely name of Anunnakiya in its Middle East part.

by Full Monteirism August 1, 2021

Anunnaki State of Iraq and the Levant

The Anunnaki State of Iraq and the Levant (ASIL / AnunSIL), also referred to as the Anunnaki State of Iraq and Syria (ASIS / AnunSIS), Anunnaki State of the Middle East (ASME / AnunSMEl), or simply Anunnaki State, is the name of a fictitious and hypothetical country that is defended by certain Anunnakist and Zuist groups that defend the restoration of culture, religion, spirituality and of Anunnaki values in the Middle East, mainly focusing on Iraq and the Levant. The Anunnaki State of Iraq and the Levant does not have any active group in the Middle East that defends the same, other than memes and jokes about it, many of them of a jocular and extremely nationalistic slant. The term arose after several memes that compared the concept of Anunnaki State with the Islamic State, which led to the emergence of the meme of the Anunnaki State of Iraq and the Levant.

"The Anunnaki State of Iraq and the Levant is regarded as an Anunnakist and Zuist meme and has so far not had any active groups in Iraq or Syria or any other region in the Middle East that are trying to make it a reality."

by Full Monteirism August 2, 2021

Anunnaki Communism

Anunnaki Communism, also Anunnocommunism, is a left-unity ideology that's anunnakism with communism, where it believes that the Anunnaki are communists and it seeks to adopt communism following the principles of Anunnas and Anunnakism. Anunnaki Communism is often referred as Anunnocommunism when it's referres as the anunnaki communist version of Judeo-bolshevism where it supports that Anunnas are behind the revival of communism nowadays and that they were the ones that created communism and that are the ones who lead the communist movement on Earth, often referred together with Divinocommunism that's the divine communist version of Judeo-bolshevism where the gods and the divine created communism and they lead the communist movement on Earth.

"Anunnaki Communism, despite being a minoritarian communist ideology, it's basically seen as an Anunnaki version of Judeo-bolshevism with the name of Anunnocommunism and it's also seen as working together with Anunnonationalism, and it's just so funny to see and read."

by Full Monteirism June 20, 2021

Anunnaki Socialism

Anunnaki Socialism is an ideology seeks to incorporate Anunnaki values with socialism. Anunnaki socialism is often portrayed by advocate to build a socialist society based on Anunnaki values and principles, and to use of socialism in order to achieve an Anunnaki society and the development of Socialist Anunnaki Republics in order to reach an Anunnaki society easily. Anunnaki Socialism is also characterized by its support to spiritualism, extraphysicalism, extraphysicism, spiritualicism, divinialism and post-spacetimeism and the idea of rebuild the cult to the Anunnaki and to have similar ideas to Anunnaki Theocracy as well.

Anunnaki Socialism is start to becoming popular in Middle East, Europe and Americas, despite It’s unlikely it’s gonna to become hegemonic inside Anunnakist movement, but it might become if anunnaki socialists manage to become hegemonic somehow inside Anunnakist movement.”

by Full Monteirism June 17, 2021

Anunnaki State

The Anunnaki State, also referred to as Anunnakiya, Anunnakistan, Anunnaki Kingdom on Earth or Anunnaki Empire on Earth refers to a concept of Pan-Anunnakism, Anunnaki nationalism, and Anunnopolitism that advocates the creation of an Anunnaki country in the Eastern regions Middle, North Africa, Central Asia, Caucasus, Balkans and Iberia, which would follow the customs, traditions, culture, language, religion, spirituality and social organization of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki State is an idea much supported by Anunnakists and Zuists despite not being a majority, and the defenders of the Anunnaki State may also include territories in South Asia, Horn of Africa, Southeast Asia, Western Europe, Eastern Europe and European Russia, and may reach to include the entire Eurasia. The global version of the Anunnaki State is simply referred to as Ki most of the time.

"The concept of Anunnaki State is becoming part of anunnakism and zuism, despite it might take some years or decades until become completely hegemonic, it's an interesting political concept for become part of the world politics in the future."

by Full Monteirism July 4, 2021

Anunnaki Atheism

Anunnaki Atheism is a form of Anunnakism that rejects the idea that Anunnas are gods, but beings as humans in a high level of being and existence and it follows the teachings and knowledge of the Anunnas, despite some variants of Anunnaki Atheism often reject the believe on the existence of Anunnas even Anunnaki Atheism itself believes Anunnas are highly evolved beings that are called as "gods" by humans or they are simply personifications of the forces of nature and existence. Anunnaki Atheism often uses of Atheist Extraphysicalism and Post-Spacetime Extranaturalism as its philosophical basis.

"Anunnaki Atheism is a common form of Anunnakism between atheists who have some kind of connection with Anunnas or that like Anunnas somehow."

by Full Monteirism June 3, 2021