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Anunnopolitism, also Anunnopoliticism, Anupolitism or Anupoliticism, is an anunnakist ideology that's the political version of Anunnakism, Anunnopoliticism advocates the adoption of Anunnaki values on politics. Anunnopolitism supports that humanity should become Anunna-like and to become spiritual and highly evolved beings society as Anunnas are, anunnopolitism is well famous for being basis of ideologies such as Anunnaki Communism, Anunnaki Socialism, Anunnaki Nationalism, Anunnaki Liberalism, Anunnaki Conservatism, Globoanunno, Neomonteirism, Anankalamism, Kasdeyaism and so on. Other interpretation of Anunnopolitism is the idea that anunnakists and zuists should focus on Anunnaki Empire and on An's Heaven and being patriotic and nationalistic about both of them, instead of being patriotic about their human countries, and even to turn their countries and Earth into how Anunnaki Empire and An's Heaven actually are.

"Anunnopolitism is well common among anunnakists and zuists, mainly the idea about being nationalistic about Anunnaki Empire and An's Heaven and see both as their country and homeland, and not the human countries or worlds."

by Full Monteirism July 1, 2021


Anunnopolitism, also Anunnopoliticism, is an Anunnakist and Zuist ideology that defends the adoption of Anunnaki values in politics. Anunnopolitism advocates that humanity should become similar to the Anunna and become a spiritual and a society of highly evolved beings like the Anunnas are. Another interpretation of Anunnopolitism is the idea that Anunnakists and Zuists should focus on the Kingdom of An and An's Heaven and be patriotic and nationalistic about both, rather than being patriotic about their human countries, and even transforming their countries and the Earth on what the Kingdom of An and the An's Heaven really are, and remembering that the Kingdom of An and the An's Heaven which are the true nations of the Anunnakists, Zists and people with some connection with the Anunnas and not their human nations.

"Anunnopolitism holds that the Kingdom of An and the An's Heaven are the true nations and home of the Anunnakists, Zuists and people with some connection with the Anunnas and not their human nations."

by Full Monteirism July 16, 2021