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black panthers

black people who think "the man" made them into drug dealers and gangbangers and taking away all their "money in da bank". They hate anyone white and think they are the best thing since sliced bread and they created the world and they own it. they are a domestic terrorist group and they are the negro kkk.

klansman: im in the kkk
people: BOOO!!!! NAZI!!!

Panther: im a panther
people: HERO! yay civil rights activist!!!

(while ppl are cheering, black panthers rapes a white girl and does crack while the klansman is just drinking beer with some guys)

by 88skin November 30, 2009

95๐Ÿ‘ 72๐Ÿ‘Ž

black panthers

A racial terrorist orginization whose co-founder eldridge cleaver advocated the rape of white women and murder of white police officers and whose other co-founder huey newton died of a heroin over dose in 1989

former Black panther mumia abdul jamal murderd A police officer in the city of brotherly love in 1981

by Eric March 30, 2005

623๐Ÿ‘ 500๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Panthers

Neo ethno-cultural movement among the Eastern Asians to forward their agenda of Asian awareness and social support. The name "Black Panthers" may be confusing because of the connection to the African American organization of the 1960's. However, the name in it self is a statement and show of discontent with the traditional Asian conformist views.

The Chinese and Koreans brothers finally fought hand in hand against the injustices that Asians faced as they rallied behind the Black Panthers.

by chuckkim84 May 1, 2006

144๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Panthers

The black equivalent to the KKK.

We've got a white terror group (KKK) and a black terror group (Black Panthers). Everything's fair, right?

by animatorStrike November 13, 2005

218๐Ÿ‘ 212๐Ÿ‘Ž

black panthers

An oft-misunderstood Black Power group that was NOT black nationalist, black racist, or anti-white. They were devoted to the self-defense and self-sufficiencyh of black communities, and they attracted sympathy and support from the white Left in the 1960s. Dismantled through illicit means in the early 1970s by the FBI's COINTELPRO operations, which assassinated Panther leaders and imprisoned others on trumped-up charges.

The "New Black Panther Party" is NOT the true voice of the original Panthers. They are a racist splinter of the Nation of Islam and have been rejected and denounced by original Panthers. The true successors to the original Panthers are the National Alliance of Black Panthers, founded in 2004.

by Random White Dude April 11, 2005

254๐Ÿ‘ 287๐Ÿ‘Ž

black panthers

a revoultionary group that was for the upliftment of blacks. urged the separation of blacks from the white capitalist america and the creation of a separate black state. also ran social programs to enrich thier communitites and were armed to protect those same communtities. in two wordsAT

the free lunch program at santa fe elementary school

by tnutty July 19, 2004

155๐Ÿ‘ 182๐Ÿ‘Ž

Black Panthers

This group was formed during an era of racial tennsion and great racial injustices. Such as the government not helping black people in their neighborshoods in a sense of alienating them and screwing them over. Thus the Black Panthers came to help the black community and even ran a free breakfast program to help feed children in their own neighborhoods. THis group is no where near the KKK hell if anything blacks have a lot of reasons to hate Whites and yet we don't and yet we want equal crap and yet whites today feel threatened when a black person wants to gain some power. As if we aren't suppose to have it. For when we want something they go "wait what about equal rights"

THis will get negetive votes due to the fact that it doesn't speak for white folks who vote on here.

a group that helped the black community and is nothing like the KKK.. Black Panthers was a gorup that helped not murder.

by lordblazer March 20, 2006

177๐Ÿ‘ 227๐Ÿ‘Ž