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The backup plan of Mother Earth to save herself from the unacceptable race it houses, humans. The best way she could save herself, extreme but helpful. Pollution dropped, resources were less exploited, population decreased, and whatnot. A warning for us people to realize! tho it started as an illegal bio-war agent by China, it was accepted by Mother Earth in no time,

*Man burning trash openly*
Juan: What's your problem BOOMER! Was COVID-19 not enough for you? I wish you died in it.
*Man extinguishes the fire*
Juan: Guess, you'll live some more years dork!

by viktwor April 2, 2020

26๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


According to President Trump, fake news (meanwhile the US has the most cases on the face of the Earth).

Trump on a news conference: COVID-19 is a load of crap. We need this economy start by Easter.
Health council: Millions could die, Sir.
Trump: I cannot win this next election without a booming economy.
Health council: Sir, there won't be anyone left to vote.
Trump: who cares, make America great again! We can also simply take down the wall to let some illegals in to boost the votes.
Health council: Sir, that presidential election promise did shit the bed.

by Danutcase March 27, 2020

31๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


A killer that has garnered undue attention vis-ร -vis other global killers like HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB), diabetes, and cancers, as a large number of the middle-class and some wealthy families and celebrities in the developed world have disproportionately been affected.

Unlike other main causes of death that mostly affect the poor and the marginalized in the developing countries every year, COVID-19 appears to be a great leveler in indiscriminately choosing its victimsโ€”for example, it is blind to peopleโ€™s race, religion, or social status.

by MathPlus June 27, 2021

46๐Ÿ‘ 90๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sex act where you masturbate in a group of ten or less while staying six feet apart from each other, then lick each other's hands clean to keep things sanitary

We were feeling lonely last night so Becky and I COVID-19ed with a few friends that have been self-isolating for a month

by Nobahdi April 2, 2020

13๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž



COVID-19 caused what would normally be a good year to just be total crud

by ScienceDude23 November 24, 2020


Something that will never go away even though the pandemic won't last forever.

Some stupid guy: Eats Bat Soup
That same stupid guy: Gets COVID-19

by PhoenixGamer34 September 21, 2021


SARS 2 the worst coronavirus with a high R 0

Ed spread COVID-19 to 6 people before he showed up as positive with the virus

by MJcloud November 6, 2020