a cream color wall paint that gets laughed about in guided study
let's buy some captivating cream paint at wherein williams.
No confinement or imprisonments against our brothers and sisters.
“No capTivity... I need a move”
I'm not a bachelor, dawg, I've got captivity document to prove it.
An older American vernacular term for Newspapers.
Deliver boy: I don’t see your New York Times Ma’am
Person : can you recheck I need my captives to start my research for a project today
Corinthians 10:4-5 “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.”
Hym "This is literally what's happening to me now. My thoughts are being held captive. It's literally a psychic-cannibal breeding cult. It literally just eats thoughts as needed to survive."
Apologist "No! Actually! WE were the ones against slavery all along! See!? If you just ignore all of the slavery parts and give US credit for the thoughts that said slavery was bad.... WE'RE THE ANTI-SLAVERY GUYS! RIGHT!? That's right isn't it guys!?"
A person who is taken prisoner or an animal who was been took out of it habitat and is being used
SeaWorld holds captive orcas for show and attraction