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A guy with whom you have already had a hookup and are not interested in having sex with again. Gay slang. Extension of the concept fresh meat.

Damn that guy is hot! Do you know him?
Oh him ... he's just a carcass.

by Roody August 17, 2005

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star carcass

When you can very clearly hear a song's quality compression.

"Compressing a song under 128kbs results in some star carcass."
"The star carcass made the song so bad."

by Fish-Lord Silvers June 26, 2019

cannonball carcass

The "cannonball carcass" is a sexual position in which the female curls in a ball and plays dead. The man then enters her from behind and has his way until climax. The female can never stop playing dead during this activity or it ceases to be the cannonball carcass and is simply the "cannonball"

I totally cannonball carcassed that broad last night!!!!!!

by Mervy the Yam June 4, 2008

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bat carcass

like a large runny piece of excrement that won't vacate the anal area
but fun none the less always willing to hang around. cute awesome funny

ur mum is like a bat carcass
my bum is like a hot rock botto....basically my arse is on fire...i've got a bat carcass

by bumnerial disease October 21, 2009

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X-mas carcass

The fate of the christ-mas tree: A once beloved, highly-adorned centerpiece of good-will, fellowship and seasonal cheer; chopped down, dragged out of the forest, temporarily sanctified then subsequently kicked unceremoniously to the curb, like a wasted carcass at a meat-packing plant.

Seasons finally over! Time to chuck the X-mas carcass to the curb...

by YAWA September 23, 2017

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carcass pep rally

a pep rally that is attended only by dead bodies withabsolutely no soul

frank and jane went to the carcass pep rally last night. afterwards they drank ethanol

by Tablecloth_wanker March 23, 2020

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Thirsty Rotten Carcass Breath

When ones breath smells like they've been chewing on a rotting animal carcass that had been left in the hot sun, combined this with not drinking liquids for a long period of time and you get Thirsty Rotten Carcass Breath.

I once tongue kissed this guy at a party but almost gagged because he had thirsty rotten carcass breath. He needed a drink, a mint and an orthodontist.

by Big Bobby Bacon November 8, 2012

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