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A place where parents tell their children that if they never go there, they work in mcdonalds or become a prostitute. College is really a 4 year (5 if your stupid) waste of time and money in order to get a piece of paper that doesn't even get you a job because the economy is crap.

I went to college and now I'm in debt and have no job.

by Mr. Zimpy November 23, 2009

269👍 74👎


A place where you can waste 40 thousand dollars and spend time drinking and smoking weed, all while gaining useless knowledge and ending up in a hell hole of shit after 4 years.

Don't go to college

by oldskoolpothead420 April 27, 2011

24👍 3👎


A place where sleep is never found.

Hey man, I have this 20 page research paper I haven't started because I was partying all night last night, yeah I'm going to have to pull an all-nighter, it's due tomorrow, but hey that's college

by angelcb007 November 22, 2010

34👍 6👎


A place where High school graduates go after being told they would have a higher chance of getting a degree and a high paying job afterwards. This shit is the biggest lie and more then likely you'll be stressed from the course load and become depressed before second semester

Wow I thought when I came to college I would get my dick sucked and excel in class, now i'm stuck with a fuckton of debt and my grades are god awful. Please kill me.

by Kid Sens May 7, 2019


The hallmark of a liberal cesspool. That's it

I can't believe how politicised college is, so many liberals and only one narrative

by Comrade Boris September 15, 2020

26👍 8👎


A place where far-left teachers and professors trick young adults into thinking that education is the same as intelligence.

"They must know the answer... they've been to college."

by ajc929me February 4, 2019

13👍 3👎


-A widely accepted and legalized racketeering scheme in which parents and students pay upwards of $30,000 to voluntarily accept extremely leftist propaganda as well as have their, bank accounts, homes and other viable assets regularly forcibly raped after getting it good from a bank or student loan branch.

-There are many highly publicized myths, the most popular being, that there is rampant, uninhibited sex, and a bevy of busty wanton teens and young adult girls just waiting to have sex with any man who’ll have them. In reality, there is rampant sex, but everyone’s not hot, it’s sloppy, the girls are half-dead from booze and drugs, the guys go limp half of the way through and 1 out of ever 3 girls has been slipped something and ends up date-raped.

-The truth of the matter is, college is another form of high school with more ‘freedom’ less restrictions and triple the money paid. Or, more accurately a brainwashing “group” akin to the Manson Family or the Heaven’s Gate Cult.

College can however be a fun and exciting place, mainly for freshman and sophomores who can’t believe there is SO MUCH pot, coke, speed and alcohol readily available and mostly for free.

Twins Jessica & Ashley were given $50,000 each for college upon graduating high school.

Jessica moved to California and bought a house in the Valley outright.

Ashley got into a prestigious college, paid the entire $50K and now only ows Sally Mae $32,000.

by urbanr0cker May 10, 2008

258👍 103👎